Prologue/Story Set-Up

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A/N: Imagine whoever you want as Emma Sommers, I personally am picturing a glow-up version of myself, I mean that's what makes these stories fun, right?

Emma POV:

I had no idea I had taken the place of Jenna Sommers until my sister, Miranda, brought home her fiance, Greyson Gilbert. When I shook his hand it was like all these flashes of memories came at me all at once and I was remembering scenes from something... a TV show I think? I never told anyone and I wouldn't, it barely made any sense to me I wasn't about to go confiding it to anyone else.

What I did know was that Greyson was a very complicated man... good father, doctor, and husband by day demented torturer by night. I did my best to warn Miranda off him but she was in love and the more I pushed the more strained our relationship became until I decided to let go hoping that if I acted supportive she'd let me around the kids when she had them. I didn't want them going to John Gilbert if something happened and I couldn't prevent it like their doomed drive over Wickery Bridge at the end of Elena's Sophmore year of High School. Unfortunately, big sisters rarely listened to little sisters, how do I know? I used to be a stubborn big sister before I fell down that uncovered manhole... such an embarrassing death, trust me I know.

I was just walking in New York texting on my phone when I went to send a gif of "happy bachelor party!" from The Vampire Diaries to my little brother letting him know I'd be up for brunch tomorrow if he wasn't too hungover, being his sister and a woman I hadn't been invited to go out with him and his friends that night when suddenly there was no longer any ground below me like I was falling down an Alice in Wonderland Rabbit Hole, although this one smelled like shit.

I don't remember hitting the bottom or dying just the sensation of falling that seemed to go on forever until suddenly I was being squeezed through a birth canal, let me tell you, there is a reason babies come out crying, it is not a fun time in there. Being human my memories of little things from my first life soon began drifting away, I still remembered big things like my name, Emma, for some reason I had gotten to keep it, and my family, my brother, but other than that I had just assumed it was reincarnation at work not the plot to a subpar fanfiction entry.

As soon as I realized there was more going on and that I was now in a world where the supernatural was 100% real I took to keeping a journal jotting down as much as I could when a new/old memory would surface.

I was currently 10 years old 12 years younger than Miranda and doing the math I realized I'd probably be late 20s by the time the "pilot" came along... which gave me about 18 years to prepare.

I had been a surprise to my parents my "mother" at first thinking she had been experiencing symptoms of early menopause, not another baby at 44 years old. They didn't have as much energy for a kid and kind of let me do whatever I wanted so when I suddenly got into gardening and insisted they get me a greenhouse for the backyard so I could grow herbs, they just went with it happy I was doing something that kept me out of their hair. It took a while for my green thumb to develop but eventually, through a lot of trial and error and a few tips from our elderly next-door neighbor, I had a thriving collection of Vervain, Wolsbain, Mugwort, and Sage as well as hibiscus flowers.

Once I was a bit older and didn't need my parent's permission for everything I signed up for martial arts, boxing, self-defense, anything that would keep me strong and sharpen my reflexes. I wasn't delusional enough to think I could best a vampire but hopefully, I'd be strong enough to at least buy myself a few seconds until either help arrived or I found a sharp wooden object.

I also applied myself more in school managing to skip 2 grades, 4th and 5th starting High School early so I would be set to graduate at 16... that's when I was hoping I'd be able to rescue Enzo. I didn't recall every plotline that ever happened over the series or spinoffs, but that one stuck out and I hated thinking about him suffering.

In my first life, I had been a nurse and after living and working through the pandemic that shall not be named I really wanted to try to do something else this time around. Something creative maybe with minimal stress, I wasn't that worried about money I mean theoretically all I had to do was dig up Emily Bennett's grimoire and make a copy of the daylight ring spell, pretty sure there would be no shortage of vampires that would pay hundreds of thousands if not more for a chance to walk in the sun again, plus there was also the stock market, having already lived through the '90s and 2000's I knew to invest in google and amazon to name a few.

With money no longer my primary concern I ended up going through with my plan of pursuing a creative career double majoring in Art History and Art Conservation hoping to get a job as an art restorer when I finished school. I had always really enjoyed painting but it was more of an outlet for when I was stressed or anxious than something I ever thought I'd be able to do for a living. Even in this second go around I guess a healthy dose of my pragmatic side followed me as I was not pinning a lot of hope on becoming a successful artist myself hence the backup plan of being an art restorer.

Anyway, my 14th birthday was now approaching and Miranda had just announced the birth of Elena. Our mom was so upset that her daughter hadn't said anything about being pregnant to her or our dad and the two were currently not speaking. This meant I didn't get to see Elena as a baby since my parents refused to drive me up to Virginia to visit.

They eventually came around and buried the hatched when Miranda was pregnant again with Jeremy so I finally got to meet Elena when she was a chubby-faced toddler and oh my god, so damn cute, let me tell you. I had always loved kids but never felt stable enough in my previous life to have my own, money was always tight, and anxiety was always high, plus there was never anyone I got serious with, just the occasional friends-with-benefits arrangement but maybe it would be different this time. I mean knock on wood but I hadn't had an anxiety attack yet, maybe even though I looked similar to how I remembered looking there were still enough changes in my genes that that particular affliction didn't follow me over... granted I don't think I would know for sure until I met my first vampire, something told me that was going to be very anxiety-inducing.

I was 16 now and the family was gathered for my graduation, Greyson, Miranda, and Elena included. It got too hot for Miranda who was uncomfortable it being her last trimester so she had to leave early but I was so appreciative that she came and we enjoyed lunch out after the ceremony. At the restaurant, I finally got to hold Elena for the first time and when I did I experienced the same thing that happened the first time I met Greyson, a sudden influx of flashes and memories from the show, one that stuck out was Elena a few years from now going down the stairs at Greyson's practice I think there was a red ball and... oh my God Enzo. I knew now how I would be able to save him. 

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