Best Laid Plans

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A/N: I think in the show Elena almost finding Enzo would have happened a few years after the eclipse party but I'm moving it up a little in the timeline.

3rd Person POV:

Emma was 18 now and had asked to stay with the Gilberts for the summer. She had just finished her sophomore year and had found an internship not too far in Richmond... it wasn't anything competitive that would help her career goals but it gave her the excuse to stay with Miranda and Greyson to seize any opportunity that arose to rescue Enzo. Miranda agreed quickly happy she'd have more help with the kids knowing how much her sister loved Jeremy and Elena. Greyson and Emma were never close so he was mostly indifferent to her plans to stay with them but seeing Miranda happy about it he didn't raise any objections.

Emma played it cool her first week or so staying with them going above and beyond to be helpful around the house and with the kids. Finally, around day 9 she snuck out of the house, she didn't go far it was more just about practicing how to leave without waking anyone up. She mapped out which floorboards squeaked and which window would rattle until she knew every sound that house could make like the back of her hand. Day 14 she made it over to Greyson's practice and staked out the building making note of the number of doors, windows, etc. Seeing if there were any security cameras or other things she would need to take into account when the time came.

The next thing on the list was getting a place set up for Enzo, if he wanted to keep running she wouldn't stop him but she still wanted some sort of safe house for him to recover in if he wanted it. She didn't want to rescue him and then basically say good luck and see ya, that felt wrong. She had made some good investments in the stock market having an incredibly unfair advantage but she hardly ever touched it and never told anyone about it. Being rich was not the goal it was just about having security so she was happy to live within her means and only taking out money sparingly if an emergency came up that way she wouldn't draw too much attention or prompt a lot of questions about her financial status.

Saving Enzo definitely counted as an emergency and would be her biggest withdrawals yet but he was worth it so she went ahead purchasing her first home. It was located between Richmond and Mystic Falls which made stopping by on the way to and from her internship very convenient. She planned to invite Enzo in and essentially hand it over to him if he liked it. Hopefully, the two would hit it off despite who her brother-in-law was and she'd be able to stop by and hang out often if he didn't mind the company.

Elena's red ball had yet to appear which Emma was waiting for to signal to her it was time so to keep herself busy while she waited she worked on getting the home set up and ready for him. The first thing was getting a fridge installed so she could move all the blood bags she had been collecting out of her storage locker.

Ever since this plan came to her two years ago she knew she was going to need blood for him and she hadn't wanted to risk stealing blood bags from a hospital or blood bank knowing firsthand how important those were and the chaos it would cause if any went missing, even just two or three bags could make the difference between saving someone and losing a patient. So instead she went about stocking up on her own blood, getting empty blood bags had been pretty easy, and drawing her own blood was no problem so once every month or so she would make a "donation," and it had added up. She had nearly 20 bags now sitting and chilling waiting for his arrival.

By day 20 Emma finally got to release the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding when Elena excitedly ran up to her showing off the new ball her mom had just gotten her. Man kids being so happy with the simplest of things never failed to warm her heart, Elena had been so excited over that ball Emma almost forgot about the danger that was fast approaching just thrilled to see her niece so animated over her new red toy.

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