Dolce Vita

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A/N: My previous stories have mostly been... not "anti-Klaus" but also not exactly kind to Klaus either, let's just say this isn't one of those stories. Still a Damon endgame fic but a girl can still have a little fun first, right?

3rd Person POV:

Klaus and Emma ended up talking late into the night as they strolled along the streets of Florence.

Klaus wanted to know everything about Emma and what she could do. She agreed to meet up again the next day as soon as her classes were done and was game for all his "tests."

So far they had discovered the following:

-She couldn't be compelled, not even by an original.

-She also couldn't compel anyone even after drinking copious amounts of blood.

-Drinking an excessive amount of blood did nothing to enhance her "abilities," just made her feel sickly full to the point she actually vomited a lot of it back up once she reached double digits... with both blood bags and from the vein which was disgusting but at least she learned she was in no danger of becoming a half-human half-vampire ripper.

-Fire didn't make her uncomfortable and she had no problem in large bodies of water which she was very happy about having always loved the beach and swimming.

Through his experiments, Klaus actually decided he liked the mad half-human, even as unimpressive as she was half-vampire wise.

The two ended up continuing to spend their days together after Emma was done with classes.

 Klaus was eager to show her all around the finest spots in Italy, taking her to the most exclusive restaurants, exposing her to the best wines and just talking to her for hours about art and culture, she was so open and well adorable really... completely different from anyone he had associated with for the past 1,000 years.

Her innocence and undeniable sincerity had slowly disarmed him and he was able to relax around her, to be himself.

Emma's semester was coming to an end soon, she only had 2 more weeks and she would be saying arrivederci to Florence.

She and Klaus were enjoying a relaxing night in when talk turned a little more personal.

"So tell me is there a Mr. Sommer's waiting for you back home?" he asked.

Emma smiled at him, "What? Why do you want to know?"

"Seems I know everything else about you but you have never let anything slip regarding your love life... makes me think you're hiding something," he tells her narrowing his eyes a bit trying to see through her.

"There's nothing to let slip, I've been so busy preparing for this life, to survive among the supernatural I have barely started really living for myself yet... not until I met you," She tells him sweetly.

"I mean I've never so much as had a first kiss," she admits before looking at Klaus a little differently, "yet," she adds.

Klaus POV:

"I mean I've never so much as had a first kiss," she says shrugging one shoulder as her gaze tentatively drops down to my lips, "yet," it was only for the briefest of seconds that her gaze lowered but it was enough to be caught by me

I've had the time of my life showing her around this summer and yet in the country of amore seems I've been remiss in one very crucial area... hmm well who am I to deny a clearly very eager pupil?

I grab her by her ankle and slide her over from the other side of the couch until she is right up against me.

I look her over, allowing myself to swim in her big bright eyes for a moment, letting her racing heartbeat tickle my ears before I slowly bring my head down to hers.

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