19 Candles

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3rd Person POV:

Enzo never asked Damon where he went Christmas Eve, fairly certain he already knew the answer but he was back so quickly nothing could have really happened between the pair, so he let it go not overly worried.

They hit the road in Damon's new ride the next day and he went over everything he had compelled and tortured out of Greyson before letting him bleed out.

The pair kicked off a murderous spree taking out dozens of Augustine docs and all those affiliated with them.

Damon reveled in all the plotting, stalking, and killing, it was all a great distraction from Emma.

Even their time in the car driving from place to place was great now that Enzo actually knew and liked some of the songs that came on the radio.

But late at night alone in his hotel room, his thoughts kept circling back to her. Back to her smile, how her cheeks got a little red when she smiled really wide, her stunning legs in those tights, how kind and thoughtful she was, how generous, not to mention her somewhat flexible moral code which spoke to him on a deeper level.

Still, he knew Enzo was right and he wouldn't be thinking about her this way had Katherine not betrayed him again. But he disagreed she'd only be a bit of fun for him.

Don't get him wrong it definitely would be fun but if that's all it was shouldn't letting go of the idea of her be easier than this?

They decided to cool it on the killing the next few days as they waited to observe the fallout on their first few strikes.

Watching the ripples they needed to go about the next steps carefully to see how Augustine rebuilt so they could effectively cut the head off once and for all.

The break happened to line up around New Year's Eve and Damon couldn't help but think of Emma.

He decided to do something for her birthday figuring it was a pretty harmless act, I mean she had bought him a car for Christmas what was a little birthday cake between friends, I mean it was the least he could do right?

Emma POV:

Walking out of the grill using the coffee I just bought as a hand warmer I was about to cross the street when a flash of blue caught my eye.

Looking up I spot Damon across the street leaning against his blue Camaro just staring at me, like he had been waiting for me.

Looking both ways I cross the street and walk up to him.

"What are you doing back so soon?" I ask unable to mask how happy the surprise sight of him has made me.

"What is Augustine already in ashes, damn you two work quick," I say.

"Hmm not quite," he says before taking the coffee out of my hand and helping himself to a sip, "Peppermint, really?" He asks.

"Shut up it's good," I say defending my beverage choice and taking my coffee back.

"No I'm just here for the night, thought I'd wish a certain birthday girl a swell Kwanza in person," he says surprising me.

"You came back just to tell me happy birthday?" I ask extremely flattered and moved by the gesture.

"I mean that's what friends do, right?" He asks and I can feel my heart drop a little, right he sees me only as a friend/sister.

"I also got you a cake but it's back at the boarding house," he tells me before pushing himself off the car and opening the passenger side door for me.

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