And You're to Blame

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A/N: Descriptions of Emma are kept purposely vague so you can picture whoever you want, I myself will be picturing me myself and I... I mean that's what makes these stories fun right?

3rd Person POV:

Damon woke up the next morning to a naked Katherine draped over him. He really couldn't believe the turn the night took.

"I can hear you thinking," she said her eyes still closed.

He smiled at being called out, "Just trying to figure out how we got here... not that I'm complaining," he says as he trails his hands up her leg coming to caress her bare thigh.

"Well, you did the sexiest thing a man can do," Katherine replies pulling him over her and bringing his mouth down to her for a searing kiss.

"Hmm," Damon hummed happily savoring the feel of having her lips on his again after all this time.

"And what was that?" He asks running his nose along hers, needing to make sure he takes note of it so he could do it over and over again.

"Apologized, sincerely," she tells him and he pulls back a little surprised.

"Really? That's what does it for you?" He asks and she nods.

"For most women I bet, men just rarely think to do it," she tells him as she drags both her legs slowly up his body wrapping them around his waist until she flips them around landing on top of him.

"Uh, well if you thought that was sexy... might want to hang on," he warns before grabbing her by her waist and simultaneously moving under her as he pulls her forward until he has his mouth on her pussy.

She lets out a surprised little yelp followed by a girlish giggle as he gets to work.

"Oh god, ah, Damon," she moans appreciating how far he's come as a lover since his human days.

His tongue expertly plays her, reaching places she didn't think were possible as she rode his face his nose stimulating her clit just shy of enough so she was starting to get frustrated and grinding on him harder. Bless him he didn't mind in the least not needing any oxygen he would gladly let her suffocate him over and over again in the name of pleasure.

Sensing Katherine was reaching her limit of frustration he finally removes his tongue from her using it now to torture her clit his fingers fill her up and replacing where his mouth just was.

He thrusts two fingers into her as he closes his mouth around her clit creating a delicious suction that has Katherine's eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"Fuck me, don't you dare stop," she warns him loving having him around to worship her in all the devilishly good ways she enjoys most again.

Damon smirks loving hearing this 500-year-old vampire clearly be impressed with what he can do to her. As a human he was always a little insecure with her, knowing her experience had to far outweigh his own but in his short 140 years as a vampire he more than compensated. Now he was confident, cocky even.

He added another finger increasing his tempo pushing her right to the edge and then bit down on her clit with his blunt non vampire teeth causing her to explode on contact.

"Oh god, yes, don't stop, oh fuck, oh god, Damon ahhh!" Katherine cries as she finally finds her release.

Spent now she falls besides Damon catching her breath.

The pair enjoy the rest of the morning together but around noon his phone starts blowing up and he remembers he was supposed to meet Enzo and take him to his witch friend if she's still around. He would have canceled but witches rarely if ever give second chances to vampires and calling in a favor and then being a no show would definitely burn a bridge or two.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now