Final Showdown Part 1

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3rd Person POV:

Stefan was feeling out of it, Vlad had injected him 3 more times, snapping his neck in between each new dose.

He woke up relieved to see he was no longer tied up and hanging from the ceiling but his relief didn't last long.

In his cell, he saw Zach.

"Zach?" he asked approaching his "nephew."

"Hey, you alright?"

Zach isn't saying anything and Stefan moves closer kneeling down in front of him.

He shakes his shoulder, "Zach?" he asks again but jumps back when his head falls off his body.

"No, no, no, no, no," Stefan says horrified.

"Noooo!" Stefan screams as he is woken up with a horrible electric shock.

He's in a new room strapped down on a metal table hooked up to an IV and what looks like a dialysis machine.

"What's going on?" he asks as Vlad holds up defibrillator pads.

"Just a little jump-start to your new system," he explains as he begins to unhook him from all the wires and machines he's connected to.

Once he's done he tilts the table up and wheels Stefan down the hall like he's Hannibal Lecter strapped to a dolly.

He's deposited in a brightly lit empty white room.

He's relieved he doesn't see Zach at least still spooked from his earlier nightmare but then a door opens and a little girl about 8 or 9 walks in.

"Hi," she says.

Stefan spins around trying to figure out what game this is.

"Hi," he responds warily to the girl, "who are you?" he asks.

"I'm here to test if they were able to fix you," she answers before pulling out a knife and cutting her hand open.

"No!" Stefan yells but he's too late.

Strangely the girl's blood doesn't tempt him like he feared it would. Actually, it smells almost off-putting.

He takes a big breath relieved the child isn't in danger alone in this room with him but then he gets to thinking.

Why didn't the human blood appeal to him?

Something told him this wasn't a good thing.

Damon POV:

I know Stefan was in danger and blah blah blah but honestly I was glad for the distraction, anything to take my mind off of how Emma felt in my arms. If I spent any time thinking about how her sweet lips tasted against mine I was likely to take her the first chance I got and to hell with any of Enzo's objections.

Lexi's friend Bree came through using my blood and we were heading to Nova Scotia of all places.

Seemed like an odd place to have a secret vampire lab but I'm no psycho Augustine doc.

It was me, Lexi, and Enzo going to rescue Stefan and Zach. Lee went home but Emma seemed fine to manage Gail on her own especially now that it seemed she had semi-cured her to a half-vampire.

We commandeered a private plane to make the trip. Apparently, Lexi once got private lessons from Amelia Earhart when she rescued/turned her after a crash that happened in 1937... so that was one little mystery solved I suppose.

We made good time and touched down after a quick 3.5 hour flight.

We had found a car and were piling in about to drive out of the private airport when Emma called.

"Hey, everything alright?" I ask picking up the phone.

"Yeah, listen a friend of mine just so happens to be in the area and he's offering to help," she tells me.

"I think we got this," I tell her.

"Damon, it's your brother, what's the harm in taking the extra help?"

"I don't know who the hell this friend of yours is, we don't need anything slowing us down."

"Put me on speaker phone," she instructs.

"Everyone in the car is a vampire, they can hear you just fine," I remind her.

"He's an original," she says and Lexi slams on the brakes nearly giving me whiplash.

"What the fuck is an original?" I ask cracking my neck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lexi says turning around from the driver's seat.

"What? What am I missing?" I ask.

"Sounds like Lexi can fill you in on the details but I'll just say this, don't you think it would help to have a vampire on your side who can't die, not by fire, or stake, or sun or beheading?" she asks.

"What the fuck kind of Vampire can do that?" I ask.

"An Original!" She and Lexi both shout.

"All right, enough with the shrieking both of you, how do you even know this vampire?" I ask.

"I met him over the summer, in Italy," he explains and I feel my stomach drop.

"Let me guess, his name is Klaus," I say catching how Lexi noticeably pales at the mention of his name.

"You want to wipe out Augustine for good? Stay put at the airport for another 8 minutes, he's on his way," she tells me before hanging up.

"So Lexi, got a story to tell us that might kill oh I don't know about 7 minutes and 46 seconds?" I ask rhetorically.

3rd Person POV:

Lexi has been explaining what she knows about the Originals to Damon and Enzo as they wait for Klaus.

"Let me see if I've got this right?" Enzo says.

"The oldest vampire in the world, the Original if you will, the most feared being on the planet... the stuff nightmares are made of just happened to bump into Emma on holiday and apparently hit it off with her and now he's handing out a favor like it's a piece of candy on Halloween and coming to join our little rescue mission simply because she asked?" Enzo asks.

"Yes, that's pretty much the gist," Klaus says suddenly appearing by Enzo's window causing all three vampires in the car to jump.

"Ah thank you all for having the sense to be appropriately afraid of me, now I do believe you are in my seat," he says to Enzo who quickly undoes his seat belt and scrambles over the middle partition to join Damon in the back.

"So I hear we have a Rippah to rescue, shall we get on with it?" he asks.

Lexi, Enzo, and Damon all share a quick look but none say anything she simply turns the keys in the ignition and begins to drive.

"Well you lot seem fun," Klaus says bored with the silence... hmm the things one will do for an old friend and a pretty girl.

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