Not Hot for Teacher

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3rd Person POV:

Klaus had sent some of his men out to procure some whiteboards which he was now standing in front of.

He had drawn a line across three of them with timeline-style tics branching off the main line.

"Alright let me see if I've got it," Klaus says turning to Emma who is lying on the bed getting more and more frustrated Klaus refuses to let her go to sleep needing to go over her vision for the tenth or so time.

"Oh for the love of... Niklaus, please can we just go to sleep and continue talking about it tomorrow," she begs.

"No, now stop me if I miss something or if anything else comes to mind you may have forgotten," he orders.

Walking over to the first board he slaps a comically large ruler to the first tic.

"Dahlia," he says, the noise from the slap startling Emma as she was just about to nod off.

"My mother's sister I never knew about, where this all originates from, was assaulted protecting my mother during a raid from my bastard father's Viking tribe. And to add insult to injury when she had found a way for my mother and herself to escape my ever so empathetic mother informed her she not only didn't mind the Vikings that had hurt her so she was in love with one," Klaus says reciting some of what he's learned from the vision Emma had tonight.

"So Dahlia escapes by herself and leaves my mother to her fate, unfortunately, she soon learns she can't give my father children, fearing what he will do when he learns this slash also desperately wanting children of her own she pays her dear sister a visit for the first time in years. Apparently, after everything she suffered she swore to never be vulnerable to another attack again, I can relate," he says the last bit as an aside.

"So she worked and became the most powerful witch around, one no one would dare mess with, and then along comes mommy full of entitlement and lacking in even basic self-awareness to beg her sister for a favor," Klaus says having continued on his seemingly endless monologue.

"Dahlia agrees to help but if you ask me it was never about helping, no this was her moment for revenge, and she took it and then some when she told my mother payment for the spell that made her fertile was her firstborn child and every subsequent firstborn child from the Mikaelson line."

Klaus walks over to the last whiteboard jumping ahead, "which will apparently affect me and my family after breaking my curse and getting a lovely little wolf pregnant," he says snapping the ruler as as he notices he's losing his audience once again.

Once he makes sure Emma's attention is back on him he continues, "Now I'm not certain I won't just skip the headache and wear a condom if I end up breaking my curse but that's beside the point, especially when my long lost sister is still paying the price for our mother's foolishness," Klaus says coming back to the first board and motioning to the second tic.

"You know usually I don't mind listening to attractive men with charming accents drone on but I swear to god Niklaus every second you keep going, denying me sleep, the less and less attractive you become, in fact, I'm this close to regretting letting you be my first," Emma says putting her fingers so close together they were almost touching.

"Fine let's just review the most important part once more, love, and then I will allow you your oh so important slumber, is that agreeable your highness?" Klaus says.

Emma resists rolling her eyes at him and instead asks, "And what do you consider the most important part?"

"Obviously securing my sacrificial lamb now instead of waiting 10 more years," Klaus says.

"But even if you're successful in doing it now you won't be able to make more hybrids until Elena turns 18, you promised," Emma says reminding him of an oath he swore to her earlier before she started revealing her visions to him.

She had used the opportunity to secure a promise to allow Elena to finish her childhood without Klaus terrorizing her over her blood. And even after she turned 18 he would he would have to make due with alternating monthly donations. Emma wasn't about to let her niece be used as his personal blood bag any more than necessary.

Instead, she proposed using Amara, the originator of the doppelgängers, for the sacrifice to break Klaus' curse. From what she remembered she had been desperate to die anyway so she couldn't fathom Amara would mind much being used in the sacrifice. And it's not like the other side would be collapsing without her, not if Klaus took her suggestion and swapped her with Mikael as the anchor.

After assuring Klaus one more time that she had told him everything she could remember and she would be on call for anything that might come up where he could use a psychic in exchange for Elena's freedom Emma finally was able to get some rest.

Meanwhile back in Virginia.

Enzo and Damon returned back home after a long and bloody 8 months shutting down every spec of Augustine from across the globe.

Enzo was happy to see the mailbox stuffed with letters for him, apparently, Emma had written him every few weeks.

"What, these are all for you, I didn't even get one?" Damon complains going through all of them.

Enzo tears open the most recent one.

"huh," he remarks.

"What?" Damon asks his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Seems our girl met a lovely German chap over in Italy and enjoyed a pretty steamy summer with the lad if this letter is anything to go by," he explains.

"Greman?" Damon asks finding it hard to picture an attractive and charming German man. Instead, all he could see was a large bald guy with beer steins in each hand.

"Well his name is Klaus, sounds German to me," Enzo says and Damon tries to rip the letter out of his hand but Enzo is too quick and moves it out of Damon's reach.

Damon hadn't remembered feeling jealousy like this since he was human and Katherine was playing him against his brother. He didn't like this feeling, especially with how heightened it was now as a vampire. It was taking all his control not to fly to Italy and find the German dick so he could rip his throat out for touching Emma.

"Ah, and she's on a flight home next week!" Enzo announces interrupting Damon's murderous thoughts.

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