Rock the Block

815 45 3

One Week Later

Party 1- 50s

3rd Person POV:

It was the night of the first party and Emma decided to dress on theme going with a black Coco Chanel inspired look.

Coming downstairs she was very impressed with what Damon had accomplished, there was lighting and heated tents set up in the backyard. A live band was setting up and she counted at least 3 different bar stations so far.

The doorbell rang out and Emma jumped up and down excitedly before running to the door to greet their first guests.

"Lexi!" Emma says happily once she sees the blonde on the other side of the door.

Damon hearing this comes zooming over in jeans a white t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Who invited you?" he asks standing by Emma who throws him an elbow into his side for his less-than-warm greeting.

"I did," Emma argues.

Damon rolls his eyes, "Why you met her once when you were recovering from massive blood loss, how did she manage to make a good impression?"

"Hello, is someone going to invite me in?" Lexi asks interrupting Emma and Damon's stare down.

"Sorry, yes please come in," Emma tells her, "I thought you said you were bringing someone," she adds before closing the door behind Lexi.

"He should be meeting me here later," she explains.

"He?" Emma asks.

"Yeah," Lexi tells her brushing some hair behind her ear and blushing a bit.

"I met someone," she tells Emma sounding very happy about it.

"Oh God, where the hell is Enzo," Damon wonders out loud already ready to die from this conversation.

"Does this someone have a name?" Emma asks ignoring Damon.

"His name is Lee," Lexi says.

"Lee huh?" Emma says before shooting Damon a smug look, "So maybe not the worst psychic ever."

He rolls his eyes not impressed walking away from the ladies to go find Enzo himself.

Things soon get underway with more people arriving. Even Stefan stops by wanting to meet Lexi's new guy. He's incredibly happy for his friend and it gives him hope about Emma's prediction for his love life coming true.

Damon's party turned out to be such a fun night. Emma had a blast and danced until she literally couldn't stand any longer.

Damon actually found her lying down on the floor in the living room her legs raised up on the sofa recuperating while the bartenders and servers were cleaning up at the end of the night... well, technically now it was morning.

He sauntered over as smashed as he'd ever been as a vampire and moved her feet to rest in his lap.

"Still alive down there?" he asks.

Emma smiles up at him, it's strange what her smile does to him... it hadn't affected him previously but he can't deny seeing her happy and carefree tonight did something to him.

"Damon, I... that was without a doubt the most fun I've ever had, it was such a great night," she tells him.

His insides start to feel all warm from the compliment which confuses him.

"Well if you want to forfeit now, I'll completely understand," he says teasing her.

"Not a chance, Salvatore," she says so excited to throw her party next week.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now