Not Long Now

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A/N: short little update, will try to upload a longer chapter soon.

Emma POV

Klaus dropped me off at my sister's but asked me to hang around for a few days while he worked on getting the moonstone.

It was good to catch up with Elena and Jeremy, I had been so busy this past year with school and helping Stefan with Sarah, I hadn't been visiting as much as I wanted.

The weekend ended up flying by and soon Klaus was picking me up to head back to Atlanta.

"Come, I have something to show you," he tells me once I open the door for him. He takes my hand and pulls me along to his car... not that I wouldn't have easily just followed if he had asked. 

"What is this, where are we going?" I ask once we don't make the turn to leave town.

"What, were you not able to get the moonstone?" I ask not knowing why else we would hang around.

"Please, charming Carol Lockwood into her bed and into her husband's safe was hardly challenging," he tells me.

"Is this how you've been accomplishing all your tasks? Just sleeping with everyone?" I ask.

"Well, I am very good at it, or don't you remember, would be happy to remind you if that is the case," he tells me sending me some flirty bedroom eyes.

"Your little teacher act afterwards ruined it, hot for teachers is not an affliction I suffer from," I remind him.

"Pity, alas no that is not why I asked you to hang around. Needed you to be here to show you your graduation gift," he tells me.

"What?" I ask a little confused as we stop in front of Greyson's old practice.

"I bought the building for you, it's yours," he tells me as he gets out of the car and walks around to my side opening my door.

I get out and follow him inside seeing he had set up everything to look like an art studio. Large canvases and easels, drop cloths and more paint and art materials I think I could use in a lifetime are scattered all around.

He's had the old office walls knocked down, beams now support the second story and open the whole of the first floor letting the light in from front to back.

"There's an apartment upstairs for you as well if you like," he tells me.

"Klaus, I don't understand, why would you do all this?" I ask very overwhelmed by his "gift."

"If being an art restorer is really what you want, do it. But I suspect it's a true artist and not a restorer that lies within here," he tells me tapping my chest over where my heart is.

"Don't start your life off by settling," he adds and I nod, hearing him.

3rd Person POV:

Klaus left Emma and drove off to check on another little project he had been working on.

He arrived at a large estate near Alexandria, Virginia and waited for the large automatic iron gates to open so he could drive up.

Once he arrived at the front door he let himself in.

"Anyone home?" He asks his voice projecting through the large foyer into the rest of the home.

Suddenly Amara comes racing towards him trying her hardest to make it past him to the front door he's carelessly left open.

"Now where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asks easily catching her.

A second later Damon and Enzo come running after her.

"Lose something, gentlemen?" He asks holding onto Amara.

Klaus had succeeded in making Michael the anchor but that meant he needed someone to watch and guard Amara until he had everything else he needed for the sacrifice.

Enzo walks over and takes Amara back from Klaus.

Keeping the originator of the doppelgängers alive and safe.. mostly just from herself had turned out to be a full-time job.

Enzo and Damon hadn't exactly volunteered for the gig but Klaus didn't exactly give them a choice in the matter either.

Plus once it was pointed out if they didn't keep Amara safe from the travelers and herself while Klaus prepared everything else to break his curse he would be forced to use Elena, Emma's niece... something none of the men wanted so they made their peace with being Amara's bodyguards/jailers/babysitters for the foreseeable future.

A job that was exhausting and seemingly neverending... the pair hadn't had more than 20 minutes to themselves in over a year which was why Damon nearly cried with joy once he saw that it was Klaus who had shown up at their doorstep today.

He couldn't imagine being happier to see another person... presuming Klaus had come with good news and this neverending babysitting gig was soon about to come to an end. 

Today alone they had to run after Amara three separate times and revive her with vampire blood once after another failed un-aliving attempt by herself.

Hopefully, Klaus popping by meant all had gone well with retrieving the moonstone and they were one step closer to ending this... for the good of all their sanity.

"Please, tell me you got the moonstone," he all but begs Klaus.

Klaus smirks producing the rock, showing Damon he did indeed secure it.

"Not long now... just need to find a werewolf," he tells Damon and Enzo who both breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now