What Now

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A/N: I'm taking some liberties with Enzo and Lily's backstory, I know in the show it is never said they slept together but to me it doesn't make sense why she saves him but kills everyone else on the ship just because he was dying of what she originally did so I am writing that they had a brief fling before he was turned and later on in the prison world is when she falls in love with Julian if that makes sense.

3rd Person POV:

Damon ended up needing Enzo's help ensuring the town of Mystic Falls forgot ever meeting himself and Stefan Salvatore. It wasn't just down to the sheer volume of people which he estimated to be a little over 6,000 that made him reach out for a helping hand tho, it was that some of them apparently had access to vervain which meant some light kidnapping, waiting for it to pass out of their systems and then compelling.

They went and made a weekend of it tho, raiding people's liquor cabinets and doing some epic town-wide snooping, phew did housewives have some skeletons in their closets. No seriously they actually discovered a dead body at one of the houses stored in a freezer of all places, and not a spare one you'd keep in the garage or basement no the regular stand-up one that was out in her regular kitchen.

They had made a judgment call and took care of that particular resident permanently.

It was 4 days later, they just had one last stop to make which was the Gilbert house. Emma had already swapped out her sister's vervain without her noticing so it hadn't been difficult, she kept the kids busy out back while the guys erased Stefan from Miranda's memory and that was the last she saw of them for the rest of the month.

She tried texting Enzo from her flip phone to check in but had yet to hear back. She was starting to worry they had just left her without any goodbyes, taken off to New York or London or somewhere vampires might find cool and gotten on with their lives. Which was fine, it was more than fine, it's not like she had any ownership of them but... shoot life without them now just seemed so boring.

Well careful what you wish for and all because Emma would soon be back to begging for boring when just a few hours later she was woken up to Damon and Enzo banging on her front door waking her up.

Looking at the clock she squints seeing that it's 2 a.m., "Who the hell could that be at 2 a.m.?"

No sooner are the words out of her mouth than she hears pecking at the window. Looking over she sees a crow and gets more memory flashes of Damon season one.

"Great," she says flinging the sheets off her and grabbing her robe to head downstairs.

She opens the door and sees Enzo and Damon both looking a little worse for wear.

"What the hell happened to you guys? Never mind, actually, do you know what time it is? Why are you banging on the door waking me up, why not just come in and crash if you needed to it's not like you both haven't already been invited in," she says.

Damon responds counting out the answers to her questions with one hand, "1 a fight, 2...2, and 3 what are we savages, who comes into a lady's house in the middle of the night without announcing themselves?"

"Whatever just get in already," she tells them and they follow in wasting no time making themselves right at home.

"So who was the fight with?" She asks plopping down across from Damon on her sofa.

"Tragically that would be with each other, love," Enzo explains.

"Eh, eh, eh, you are still in a time-out," Damon warns.

"Why is Enzo the one in a time-out?" Emma asks not understanding what could have happened to make Damon think he has the moral high ground to anyone let alone the man he abandoned to a fiery death.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now