Total Eclipse of the Heart

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Emma POV:

It was the day after the funeral and apparently, there was an eclipse happening later. It reminded me that was when Damon was originally supposed to kill Gail, it was scary to think if I had bumped into Zach just one day later I may not have remembered in time but I decided just to take the win and not stress over it too much.

I think there was a party planned for it, the eclipse I mean. In fact, I think that's why Damon was put in the shed in the first place because the Boarding House was still functional and Zach had planned an Eclipse party, so keeping him in the house would have been impossible. I wonder if it was still on, if it was and I went I could meet Stefan and I even think a little Caroline would be there too, looking I'm sure all kinds of cute. When I got home I'd ask Miranda if she'd feel up to it.

Getting up I went into the kitchen finding Damon rooting around in my fridge. He must hear me approach because he starts talking before turning around to look at me.

"What kind of vampire-obsessed girl sets up a safe house with only 12 blood bags in the fridge?" He asks before grabbing one.

"The kind that didn't want to become anemic so only took a safe amount from herself when she was feeling up to it," I say and I see his eyes widen some before he looks down at the bag in his hand.

"So this is your blood?" he asks wanting me to confirm and I nod yes. He gets a devious little smirk on his face before taking a long slow sip never breaking eye contact with me.

Finally, he releases the bag from his lips letting out an "ahh" sound at his satisfaction.

"Delicious," he tells me.

Changing the subject before I either blush or hurl I ask, "So what's the plan?"

"Plan?" he asks not following.

"The plan to get Enzo to forgive you," I clarify.

"Ah, that plan, figured I'd just get him laid and call it a day," he says really playing up to his season 1 slimy dickhead persona.

"Trust me Enzo doesn't need your help for that," I tell him and he gets a little twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, have you already lent him a hand there?" he asks the innuendo more than clear.

"No, but I have eyes and ears, he's handsome with an accent," I explain and Damon rolls his eyes a bit but I can see he agrees.

"Fine, fair point, well I guess it's back to the drawing board."

"That's it? You only brainstormed 1 plan?" I ask disappointed in his efforts.

"It hasn't even been 12 hours since I learned he was alive, give a guy a minute," he says in his defense.

"Look I might go to the eclipse party later, I'll see if I can find your ring or convince Stefan to give it back but I'd come up with a plan b-z if I were you, I mean Enzo deserves at least that much, doesn't he?" I ask and he gives me a reluctant nod but I take it.

Once back in Mystic Falls, I asked Miranda about the party but she wasn't up to it so I offered to take the kids and let her get some rest which she gladly accepted.

We drove over and I unloaded the kids before walking into the Boarding house and man it was surreal, I couldn't believe I was really here. I didn't have this kind of reaction to the GIlbert house but let's be honest it wasn't nearly as epic as the Salvatore's.

I got shaken out of my musing when Stefan crossed my path and I slightly panicked not wanting Elena to meet him yet. I saw Caroline out in the back with her mom and told Elena to go outside and play and I'd be out in a minute.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now