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Emma POV:

I definitely had a newfound respect for Enzo and Damon. I had always sympathized and felt horrible about how they suffered while with Augustine but I didn't think about the mental strength such a situation demanded of them.

I was only with Greyson for a day and yet the idea I could have been kept as a test subject for years... I don't think it would have taken much longer for insanity to creep in for me. I definitely wouldn't have lasted years that's for sure.

After recovering what we could from Greyson's research we set the industrial park on fire and drove away.

The drive to the lake house was mostly quiet, Enzo and Damon offered to take me home but I had to deal with Miranda tonight, if I didn't I don't know when I'd have the strength again to face her. At least tonight I knew I had enough anger to carry me through some. But come tomorrow I knew I'd likely fall apart and then her fate would be left to Enzo and Damon... I could only imagine what they'd come up with.

When we finally pulled up Damon turned back to look at me.

"You sure you can do this?" he asks looking at me concern stitched on his face.

"Just hand me the duct tape," I instructed my voice sounding strange even to my own ears... it was hollow without any emotion attached to it. Probably for the best.

Since neither Damon nor Enzo had an invitation inside we decided to take a page from Katherine's book.

I took a deep breath and strode up to the house.

Not bothering to knock I kicked the door in relieved I was able to pass over the threshold with out an invitation, aparently there were fewer magical restrictions on man-made half vampires, lucky me.

Miranda who had been sitting by the fire shot up and looked over at me.

"What happened? Where's Greyson... what did those monsters do to him!" She demanded to know but I ignored the question and ran up to her slapping the tape over her mouth and then grabbed her hard by the back of her head and dragged her outside tossing her to Damon and Enzo.

I could hear her struggling with them outside but I didn't bother to look. Instead, I found the nearest bottle of alcohol and just started drinking until I passed out on the sofa.

3rd Person POV:

Damon and Enzo split up with him taking Miranda back to the boarding house to lock her up until any vervain passed out of her system.

He wanted to do something far more creative and violent but it wasn't his sister so he let Emma make the call.

Emma thought about it, she'd be lying if she said she didn't but she wasn't ready to be the kids' guardian so at least for now compulsion was how she'd deal with her sister.

She told Damon to take away the memory of learning Greyson's death was supernatural and of course of him coming back to life.

Speaking of Greyson, Enzo had decided not to kill him straight away. Instead, he was going to hold him and torture him for as much information on Augustine as possible. His next moves were going to see the entire organization come burning down to the ground and this time he wanted to be the one to light the match. But he had to be thorough first, if Greyson had told anyone he was successful with what he did to Emma he didn't want to risk some other fraction coming for her one day.

He didn't want to follow Damon and take him back to Mystic Falls figuring thats where any remaining Augustines would think to look first, luckily Lexi reached out having found a witch to help locate Emma.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now