Scented Candles

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Emma was happy to be home as much as she had loved Italy, especially the parts Klaus had shown her, but there was a certain ease of breath you could only really have once you were home.

Things with Damon were still tense whatever distance she was hoping to put in between her and her feelings for Damon seeing him again just brought them all rushing back. And it hurt just as sharply as it had before when he seemed to go out of his way to avoid her.

She thought about running back to Klaus who would no doubt offer to keep her mind blissfully distracted however he was juggling 2 or 3 epic quests at the moment and she didn't want to bother him.

Instead, she decided it was time to put on her big girl panties and deal with this head-on.

Damon POV:
I could tell Emma was trying to talk to me but I kept doing my best to avoid her, making excuses here using a little vamp super speed there. It was just 3 more days and she'd be back at school.

Tonight I stayed out later than usual certain everyone in the house would be asleep by now.

Walking into the kitchen, there were scented candles lit which confused me as I didn't think Enzo or Emma were the type but I shrugged it off and poured myself a drink... which was the last thing I remembered.

God, my head was killing me.

"Oh, look who's finally waking up," I hear Emma's voice say.

I did my best to force my eyes to open and saw we were in the living room. Huh, so I hadn't been kidnapped.

I tried to get up but saw I was restrained.

"Yeah, sorry about those," she says.

"You did this?" I ask completely taken aback by the turn the night took.

"Well I had help," she says before leaning over to the coffee table and picking up a candle, "Enzo assisted in selecting which scented candles covered the smell of vervain best and Lexi was stationed in the pantry with a blow dart to nip you in the neck once the vervain in your drink distracted you... said she owed you one."

"Why?" I ask drawing a blank on what I could have done to her to cause this.

"Because anytime there is even the smallest chance you and I might be alone together you Tasmanian devil yourself out of here. This was the only way to force you to be in the same room as me so we could talk before I left for school again," she explains.

"Seems a little extreme," I tell her.

"Oh calm down it's not like I left you on a roof without your sun ring to burn to death," she says.

"Hmm, told you about that, did she?" I ask.

"Yup, come on what is it, am I really so horrible you can't stand to be around me for a second without buffers?" She asks.

"Of course not," I tell her before looking around trying to strain my hearing to see if Enzo or Lexi are still around.

"They're gone," she says reading my mind, "I asked for the day alone with you. Please, Damon, just tell me what it is," she asks again and I feel myself deflate, shit.

"Look it's not you, it's-"

"I swear to god, Damon if you say 'it's not you it's me,' I will literally get the bottle of spiked vervain bourbon and pour it all over you," she threatens.

"What do you want me to say?" I ask getting frustrated.

"The truth would be preferable," she tells me and I snap.

"Fine, you want the truth? I like you, happy? I like you but Enzo considers you a sister so it's hands off and I don't have the best track record of self-control especially around beautiful women so I'm doing my best here, alright!"

I close my eyes once I'm done yelling not wanting to see the pitying look in her eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" She screams shocking me as my eyes fly open.

Huh hadn't been expecting that reaction.

She is pacing in front of me.

"All this time I thought..."

"What?" I ask but she just shakes her head.

Suddenly she stops pacing and looks at me before taking a couple quick steps toward me and the next thing I know she is in my lap kissing me with everything she's got.

Her in my lap, her lips on mine, her hands tugging at my hair all while I'm restrained and can't touch her is the most exquisite torture I've ever experienced. 

"Emma," I say trying to I don't even know what but it seems like we should keep talking instead of doing this no matter how badly I really do want to do this.

She rocks herself over me and dear god I feel the last morsel of self-control I possess quickly leave me.

I'm unable to break the restraints I'm in but I manage to snap the arms off the chair I'm strapped to and shimmy out of the restraints that way.

I pick her up and zoom us against the nearest wall pressing myself as close to her as possible.

Feeling all her sweet soft curves give way to the hard planes of my body.

One of my hands tangles itself in her hair as I continue to furiously kiss her and the other is currently grabbing a hold of her ass before moving down her leg and hiking it over my hip so I can rub myself right against the most sensitive parts of her.

She throws her head back letting out a pleasured cry as the front of my pants which strain forward due to my hardening cock hit her in just the right place.

I can smell the arousal that is quickly pooling in her panties and I start kissing down her body wanting to take them off her using nothing but my fangs.

Unfortunately, that's the moment we are interrupted by Lexi who is carrying an unconscious Gail and crying baby Sara.

By the looks of things, they have been in a pretty serious fight.

"What the hell?" I say moving away from Emma but still keeping her tucked behind me.

"What happened?!" I demand needing to know if anything or one is coming right behind them.

"I don't know I got a call from Stefan he said he got this strange message from Zach that he sounded weird but he was going to go and check things out for himself. Since I had to make myself scarce the rest of the night anyway I went to meet him but when I got there no one was there but them but there was blood a lot of it, definitely looked like there had been a fight. Decided the best thing to do was to get them out of there while we figure out what the hell is happening," she explains.

Emma moves around me and goes to pick up and soothe baby Sara while I call Enzo.

"Hello mate, how's your night going?" he asks amused thinking I'm likely still stuck in a chair being forced to talk about my feelings.

"Meet me at the Boarding House but watch your back someone took Stefan," I tell him.

"And Zach," Lexi reminds me.

I roll my eyes but add, "And Zach."

"Who?" he asks and I give a gloating 'I told ya so' smile to Lexi.

"You stay here make sure they're safe, I'll call as soon as I know anything," I tell Lex.

"No, she's older stronger she should go with you I'll stay with Gail and Sarah," Emma says.

I go to protest but she cuts me off, "I'm a half-vampire, I'm not useless, I can help go," she orders, "Stefan needs you both, try not to kill each other before you find him."

I look over at Lexi before turning back to Emma, "No promises."

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