Bloody Cappuccinos

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Klaus POV:

Taking a break and hiding from my brother's latest redemption tour I decided to disappear myself to the beautiful rolling hills of Italy.

Just my art, beautiful scenery, and no self-righteous brothers named Elijah stalking my every move... it was heaven.

I entered a gallery I had allowed to host some of my paintings for the summer and overheard an obnoxious American pretty much signing his death warrant. That was until his far lovelier and much smarter companion spoke up disagreeing with his small-minded and asinine views.

"I swear I've seen this painting before," the woman in question mumbles to herself. I can't help but correct her pointing out this is the first time it's ever been shown.

"Really? Are you sure?" She asks finally turning around to face me and my I had completely under sold her beauty now that I see her stunning doll-like eyes up close.

Taking her face in further I can see she looks quite surprised to see me and yet I can't pick up any elevated heartbeat that would normally accompany shock for a human.

"Everything alright, love, look like you've seen a ghost?" I ask.

She nods her head a bit shakily but can't seem to break eye contact with me.

"I... yes, I'm fine, sorry I just remembered where I've seen this painting before," she explains intriguing me further.

"Is that right? Well, you have me on the edge of my seat, please carry on," I tell her.

She opens and closes her mouth in a way that would normally try my patience but on her, it's actually somewhat adorable.

Unfortunately, her companion has chosen this moment to return once again marking himself for death.

"Just did a quick scan, nothing much better here, let's go, we can hang out back at my room," he tells her not even thinking to ask what she might want to do with the afternoon.

Grabbing him I turn him to me, staring into his eyes, "Actually the lady won't be returning with you, you won't be bothering her again in fact," I say compelling him.

"And never again will you utter a single word against another artist's work, understood?" I "ask."

"Never again will I utter a single word against another artist's work," he robotically repeats prompting a smile on my devilishly handsome face.

I pat his shoulders, "splendid, glad we could see eye to eye after all," I tell him sending him on his way before turning back to the lovely woman behind him.

"Sorry about that, love, and forgive me I have yet to introduce myself haven't I? Klaus Mikaelson," I tell her giving her my real name for some reason although it's hardly a risk I can just compel her to forget the second I get bored with her.

She looks to my outstretched hand and shakes it giving me a shy smile, "Emma Sommers."

"A pleasure Ms. Sommers," I tell her bending over and pressing a kiss to the back of her hand prompting a delicious blush to flood to her cheeks.

"You know you might as well have compelled him to just never speak again, telling him he couldn't criticize others' work anymore," she tells me.

Color me surprised, she knew about vampires and had clocked my little compulsion of her schoolmate.

"A great and noble act for humanity either way, no?" I ask, charming her, if her responding smile was anything to go by.

"Care to take a stroll?" I ask, "I know a lovely spot nearby for a cappuccino."

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