One Year Later

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A/N: short little chapter, happy new years everyone!


It was 1997 now and Emma was about to graduate.

Stefan stayed put for the first few months but when Gail still hadn't returned he decided to move him and Sarah closer to Emma's school in Atlanta.

The two had gotten closer over the past year even getting apartments right across the hall from one another.

It took a little compulsion to arrange but it made things very convenient as Emma would help out with Sarah as much as she could between school and work. She usually ended up taking her for a day or two every week in order to give Stefan some time to himself.

It had been hard on Stefan at first but truth be told he kinda loved being a dad.

He left a letter for Gail at Emma's old place in case she ever came back she'd be able to find them but selfishly he wasn't so sure he wanted her to anymore.

It was like Damon predicted would happen with Emma... he had grown attached, so much so that when Sarah said her first word "dada," his knee-jerk reaction was happiness that was until 10 seconds later when he remembered Zach and then he had been consumed with guilt for several days and needed to drop Sarah off with Emma to get his head back on straight.

Damon and Enzo hadn't been seen in a while, they had called to let Emma and Stefan know that Dr. Jenkins and family had been found and "taken care of," but that was it.

They didn't even come back for the holidays or Emma's birthday when she turned 20.

Surprisingly a person that had come around a few times was Klaus.

Occasionally because he needed Emma's "psychic" help with things but more often than not it just felt like he came around because he enjoyed Emma and Stefan's company.

3rd Person POV:

Emma was setting up her things in class for her last day when a familiar voice caught her attention.

"Lost in thought, love?" Klaus asks.

She looks up shocked that he's at her school but is soon even more surprised to find him buck naked.

"Jesus, Klaus, what are you doing?!" She asks looking around to make sure this isn't some crazy hallucination she's having.

"Your last live drawing class of your college career... had to do something special," he says like it makes complete sense for him to be naked in front of her entire class right now.

"Alright class, for our last day we have quite the treat, Mr. Mikaelson one our schools' top benefactors as agreed to model for us," her teacher came in announcing.

"Oh, I didn't realize..." she says stuttering a bit when she realizes Klaus is completely naked.

"Oh my apologies, did I get a tad ahead of myself," Klaus says not sounding at all apologetic.

"Oh, not at all," her teacher says still clearly flustered by the naked man in front of her, "Class lets begin, this first pose will last for ten minutes," she tells us before checking with Klaus that's an acceptable amount of time.

"Oh I could go for far longer but by all means let's start with an easy 10," he tells her clearly flirty and causing my teacher to blush the deepest shade of red I've ever seen a person turn without the aid of a sunburn.

After class Klaus walked me back to my place.

"I cannot believe you did that!" I told him as we walked the 10 blocks towards my place.

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