You Give Love a Bad Name

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3rd Person POV:

Stefan and Lexi were enjoying a lazy afternoon at a hotel nearby after having decided to keep the birthday festivities rolling when they heard a knock on the door.

"That's weird, did you order room service?" Stefan asks.

"No, I don't know who that could be," Lexi says.

Stefan looks through the peephole but doesn't see anyone still he opens the door.

As soon as Damon sees the handle turn he flashes in front of the opening door a cupcake in hand.

"Happy Birthday!" He shouts to a very confused Stefan.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" He asks sounding less than thrilled over his brother's surprise arrival.

"What? Can't a guy just want to wish his brother a happy birthday? Look even stopped by some new place that just opened called 'Magnolia Bakery," he says dancing the cupcake around.

"It's red velvet," he adds in a sing song-ey voice trying to entice Stefan.

"What do you want, Damon?" Stefan asks not falling for whatever this is.

"Alright so maybe there is one tiny little thing I could possibly use a hand with," Damon says.

"And that is?" Stefan asks.

"Emma's in trouble."

"Oh who's Emma?" Lexi says appearing behind Stefan and taking the cupcake out of Damon's hand.

"A human psychic my brother no doubt needlessly endangered," Stefan tells her.

"Look the specifics on how she's in trouble really aren't relevant," Damon says trying to skirt responsibility.

"And why does Stefan need to help with this?" Lexi asks taking a bite out of the cupcake, "Holy fuck this is good!" She says her mouth still full earning a glare from Stefan.

"Sorry it is," she shrugs.

"Because he's the only one she won't see coming," Damon explains.

"The only one who won't see coming?" Stefan asks.

Damon smiles, "Katherine."


After a little more explaining they all piled in Lexi's car and made their way out of the city towards where the witch told Damon Emma would be.

"Why again are we all having to cram into one car?" Stefan asks annoyed.

"Because an annoying witch wanted my car in payment for a couple stupid locator spells," Damon explains still salty over the trade he had to make not that Enzo gave him much of a choice.

"So that's how you found me," Stefan mutters.

"Can't believe Katherine has been alive this whole time," Lexi says from the driver's seat.

"You and me both, sister," Damon comments.

"And Emma is how you found her?" Stefan asks.

"Yup," Damon answers.

"So she really is psychic," Stefan says mostly speaking to himself.

"Why is that important?" Lexi asks studying her best friend in the passenger seat.

"She um made a prediction about me," Stefan tells her.

"A good prediction?" Lexi asks and Stefan nods.

"Yeah, it was," he says and Lexi gets a little smile already deducing from the little bit of blush on his face it was about a girl.

"So Damon, your friend just the strong silent type or is he mute?" Lexi asks looking in the rearview mirror to Enzo who has his jaw clenched and is staring out the window.

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