Final Showdown Part 2

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The car ride to the secret Augustine base where Zach and Stefan were being held had been... awkward to say the least.

Finally, Enzo couldn't take it anymore and struck up a conversation with Klaus.

"So heard Italy was fun, go there often?" he asks.

Klaus smiles amused, "Did you now? And I certainly try to what's not to love, good food, amazing wine, art, not to mention beautiful women," he says not missing how Damon rolls his eyes in the back seat.

He knew Emma had a thing for the young vampire but so far couldn't imagine what she saw in him.

"Ever been?" he asks.

"Once in WWII but it wasn't half as charming as you're making it sound," Enzo says.

"Well, suppose who you're there with can make all the difference," He says enjoying winding up Damon with as many references to how much he enjoyed his time in Italy with Emma as he can sneak into conversation.

"Alexia, what about yourself?" Klaus asks.

"Have I ever been to Italy? Yes, countless times and I agree it's all about who you're there with," Lexi says not knowing how he knew her real first name but not having the stones to ask him about it either.

"I see no one's going to ask me about my travels," Damon complains from the backseat.

"Terribly sorry, mate, forgot you were back there," Klaus says, "Go on then regal us with stories of travel and beautiful women," he says.

"Damon's not the best person to travel with," Lexi says, "say one wrong thing and he'll lock you up on a roof to burn to death," she quips.

"Oh my god, are you still on this it was 1977, let it go already," Damon complains.

"Now why would you want to hurt such a charming young vampire, Damon?" Klaus asks.

"Young? Please she's the second oldest... correction now third oldest vampire I've ever met, her fault for letting me outsmart her," Damon says.

"Ugh, what is your problem with me?!" Lexi complains from the driver's seat having enough of Damon and his attitude.

"Aside from the fact you stole my brother from me and made him hate me, gee can't think of anything!" he snaps back.

"What? In what world did I steal Stefan from you?" She asks.

"I was there in 1942! I wanted to be by Stefan's side but you got in the way of that, took one thing I did to him in 1912 and convinced him I was the devil who would never change and he was better off without me. Never mind the fact I was simply trying to teach him control and how to feed properly so something like this wouldn't happen so easily to him on that ridiculous bunny diet you taught him. You reinforced every negative opinion he ever had of me from our childhood without even bothering to think there could be another side to the story no, no, it's so much easier if there's a good brother and a bad one, right? Makes it easier when you convince the bad one he doesn't deserve to have a family... well, easier for you and Stefan anyway."

Lexi doesn't have a lot to say to that, she didn't know her stopping Damon from joining Stefan in 1942 affected him that much or that he felt she had stolen Stefan from him and turned him against Damon. She hadn't meant to really, nothing she did was ever so nefarious, Stefan was just her friend but she could see why Damon might not see it that way.

The car ride doesn't last much longer only about another 5 minutes thank god, everyone in silent agreement a bloody battle was much more preferable than minute longer trapped in this car, especially with the brewing tension between Lexi and Damon that was just stirred up.

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