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3rd Person POV:

Damon couldn't stop worrying about leaving Emma on her own with Gail and Sarah thinking whatever was happening was likely a trap he just didn't know who the trap was for.

To help him refocus on Stefan, Lexi called Lee and he was making his way over to Emma's house.

Enzo was already there by the time Damon and Lexi showed up.

He walked them through what he had discovered so far.

"It was an ambush," he said, "Stefan must have come in from the front but look there's several footsteps, they're not all his," he explains.

"Whoever did this must have threatened Zach or his family to force him to call Stefan here and when he showed up they grabbed him."

"But what about Zach? He wouldn't have just taken off and left Gail and Sarah here," Lexi points out.

"Maybe he tried going after Stefan himself?" Damons offers as a theory.

"Go check the woods, maybe he tried to follow after them on foot and got lost," Lexi orders.

"And what the hell are you going to do?" Damon asks not liking her bossing him around.

"I'm calling my friend Bree to see if she can help us with a locator spell," she explains.

Damon rolls his eyes but agrees and goes out to search the woods.

Enzo continues to try and examine the scene looking for more clues to tell him more about who they're up against.

Meanwhile back at Emma's...

Emma had finally calmed Sarah down and settled her in her room. She was too nervous to lay her on the bed thinking she might roll off so she put her comforter on the ground and laid her down there.

Once Sarah was down she turned her attention to Gail.

It took a while but she was finally coming around.

"Ugh my head," she said moaning and trying to sit up.

"Hey, it's alright, take it easy," Emma says rushing over to her offering her a glass of water.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Weird, oh god, Sarah where's-"

"Sarah's fine, she's fine she's asleep in my room," Emma quickly tells her.

"Can you tell me what happened tonight?" She asks but before Gail can answer there's a knock at the door.

"Sorry, one second," she says before grabbing an iron fireplace poker and approaching the front door.

"Who is it?" she asks.

"Lee! Lexi's boyfriend, she said something had gone down tonight and you might need some help," he explains.

Exhaling a bit in relief she opens the door and lets him.

"Hi, thank you for coming," she says.

"Yeah no problem, so what's going on, Lexi didn't say much just that Stefan was tak-"

Lee is interrupted by Gail who has attacked him from behind biting into his neck.

"Oh my god!" Emma says shocked by what she's seeing before jumping to action and forcing Gail to let him go.

Gail freaks out and ends up biting Emma too so she snaps her neck momentarily killing her before rushing to check on Lee.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asks.

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