Sweet Dreams

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3rd Person POV:

Enzo helped Emma stage Greyson's deadly car crash, it had been a little strange for him having gone nearly 50 years since seeing a car let alone being behind the wheel of one. Plus the cars of 1938 hadn't looked anything like the one he was operating now. Still, he figured what better time to brush up on his driving skills and he really only had to drive well enough to crash so that helped.

Emma drove in her own car to Wickery Bridge and Enzo did his best to follow in Greyson's.

When they arrived Enzo broke off a piece of wood from the old guard rail and jammed it into Greyson's neck "separating" his head from his body.

Next, he broke the front windshield and then pushed the car off the bridge watching from above as his ex-tormentor disappeared into the murky waters below him. He couldn't help but smile as he thought about finally getting his revenge on everyone who had anything to do with Augustine and his suffering there, including his ex-cellmate.

He made sure to lose the smile before turning back around to Emma, as happy as he was currently he knew his rescuer was having much more mixed emotions about the evening's events.

Emma drove her and Enzo to her place outside Mystic Falls and invited him in before explaining she wouldn't be able to stay long but he should consider the place his. She knew she needed to get back to her sister's before people realized she was missing but try as she might she just couldn't force herself to leave. She hesitated by the front door for a few awkward beats before turning to look back at Enzo.

"What is it, love?" he asked surprising himself how much he hated to see the look of pain on her face. He had only known her a few hours it probably wasn't wise to already be getting so attached yet she had been the one to set him free and end his decades-long torture, he reasoned it would be near impossible not to care for her.

"I can't do it," she tells him already near tears again as she starts speaking, "I can't walk back into that house and pretend I had nothing to do with it while my sister's heart breaks... could you... will you compel me to forget my part in this, please?" she asks him and Enzo now looks at her with far less warmth than he previously had been and with a lot more suspicion.

"Exactly how much do you know about vampires?" He asks.

Emma looks down somewhat guiltily before walking over into the kitchen. Enzo follows her and watches as she opens the fridge revealing over a dozen blood bags neatly stacked inside she takes a deep breath before turning around and finally responding to his question, "A lot."

Enzo POV:

It seemed the twists just kept coming tonight.

"Who's all that for?" I ask her.

"You," she tells me which prompts about another 100 questions to come to mind.

"Where did you get it?" Is the one I choose to go with next.

"It's my blood," she answers and shocks me again.

"You've been collecting your own blood for me, why? How long have you known about me?" I ask no longer limiting myself to one question at a time needing to know exactly what was happening here before I decide what needed to be done.

"I first saw a glimpse of you when I was 10 and I met Greyson for the first time, he shook my hand and these flashes came to me like memories I think but not my own it was more like watching scenes from a movie or show play out in my head. I tried to tell Miranda that there was a darkness in Greyson, that she couldn't trust him but she wouldn't listen and I stopped trying to convince her after a while not wanting to ruin my relationship with her. When it happened again I was 16 and this time it was when I touched Elena, she's my niece," she pauses to explain who that is to me before continuing on.

Emma SommersWhere stories live. Discover now