No Weddings and a Funeral

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Emma POV:

BlUghh! Adding vervain to anything was disgusting, even just a drop and suddenly it felt like I was drinking potpourri. My plan had initially been to wear several pieces of jewelry with Vervain in them until I found a vampire I trusted enough to compel a tattoo artist to use a special infused ink on me, I had long since designed what I wanted the tattoo to look like and had been looking forward to it. I had always thought that the vampire I would ask for help achieving that would be Enzo but even after meeting him something in me just kept telling me I had to keep drinking it.

I really shouldn't be complaining though, today was Greyson's funeral. The deputies that came late last week had told us he had been in an accident and had driven off Wickery Bridge. The news really took me by surprise, I mean what could I have changed to move up his death so quickly? Nothing came to mind but I didn't obsess about it too much as I knew I wasn't responsible for what happened to him my job now was just to be there for my sister and her kids.

Speaking of the kids, poor Elena was heartbroken and had a hard time understanding why Daddy wouldn't be coming back home. Jeremy was too young to really grasp it but I think he was able to pick up from other people's body language that something sad had happened.

Pastor Young led the service and afterward, a smaller group of just family and close friends went to see Greyson lowered into the ground. Finally, there was a reception back at the house and people kept coming over and giving us their condolences, one person was Zach Salvatore and his pregnant girlfriend Gail, the moment he shook my hand I suddenly remembered what happened with him and Damon. Shit.

3rd Person POV:

Emma was conflicted, her first instinct was to tell Zach and Gail not to go back home to run but instead, she managed to hold herself back and excuse herself to step outside. Once on the back porch, she pulled out her phone and called Enzo. She had only managed to get away to see Enzo once since Greyson's death but remembered to bring him a phone and go over a few basics with him before rushing back to her sister. So the amount of relief she felt when he answered on the 3rd ring was intense.

"Hello, Gorgeous, missing me?"

"Enzo, it happened again, the flashes... the memories," Emma spoke in a rush feeling like time was running out.

"It's alright, it's alright, just take a breath. Better?"

Emma took a deep breath before answering, "Yes, thank you."

"Good, now tell me what you saw, what has you spooked?" Enzo asked.

"It's Damon, I think his brother has or will very shortly capture him, I... I think it gets bad, not Augustine bad but bad enough Damon feels triggered with the memories of his time there, and in retaliation, he's gonna end up killing his great great-great-something nephew's pregnant girlfriend. I just saw her, she looks the same amount of pregnant as she did in the flashes I don't think I have much time but I don't know what to do, do I tell her or do I go over to the Salvatore house or-"

"No," Enzo interrupts "Listen to me, you do not go anywhere near that house, understand? I want you to text me directions and keep the nephew and girlfriend occupied there as long as you can, I'll handle it."

"What? No Enzo, you don't have a daylight ring or a car or-"

"Do you trust me?" Enzo asks her.

"Yes, but Zach owns the house, you don't have an invitation inside," Emma tells him.

"That does complicate things... alright, stall them there for as long as you can, when the sun sets meet me at the boarding house when Zach arrives home I'll compel myself an invitation inside and send both him and his girl far away."

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