The Aftermath

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Lexi drove them all back to the airport. 

Klaus had a private plane waiting for him.

"Hate to fight and then jet but I have business elsewhere," he tells them.

Damon shakes his hand, "Thank you for your help," he tells him reluctantly.

He still wasn't a fan of the guy but they might not have made it out of there without his help, especially not him. Hell, if Klaus had come a minute later to compel Stefan he likely wouldn't even have a head right now.

"Anything for Emma, she's quite the special young woman you know," he says.

"Yes I know," Damon says clenching his jaw a bit in frustration.

"Hmm, actually I don't think you do," Klaus tells him, "But not to worry if you don't appreciate her something tells me someone else gladly will," he says with a smirk before walking away from Damon.

He wanders over to Stefan wanting to say goodbye to his old friend before taking off to his next battle in New Orleans.

"Ah the Rippah, it was a pleasure to see you again old friend," he says confusing Stefan.

"We've met before?" Stefan asks not remembering.

"Indeed, but don't feel bad for not remembering, I did compel the memory away," he explains.

"Yeah how can you do that and what you did earlier with compelling me not to feed on Damon anymore," Stefan asks.

"Perks of being an Original," Klaus tells him.

"You know if you're not ready to go home you're welcome to come and join me for a while, plenty to do to take your mind off of your family troubles," Klaus offers.

"Family troubles?" Stefan asks.

"Well granted it's been a whole five minutes since you decapitated your great-grandnephew which is 4 minutes longer than I ever needed to move on from something but there's also that mess with your brother," Klaus explains.

Stefan looks sick thinking about what he did to Zach and having to go back and tell Gail what happened but declines Klaus' offer anyway.

"Perhaps another time," Klaus says unbothered, "Farewell all," he tells them boarding his private plane and taking off.

Shortly after he leaves Lexi asks Stefan to follow her as she preps their own plane to leave.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She asks him.

"How do you think?" He asks.

"It wasn't your fault," She tells him.

"That's not gonna make a difference to Gail or Sarah," he points out.

"Look I know now's not the best time but there's something you should know," she says.

"What?" He asks.

"So Damon and I got into it on the way here and there's something I never told you that I think I was wrong for," she admits.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks confused.

"So in 1942... I lied. Damon was there, he did come to meet you at the train station but I told him if he cared about you at all he should leave... that you'd be better off without him, in fact, I said his presence would only destroy you," Lexi tells him.

Stefan shakes his head remembering that day back in 1942.

"Why, why would you let me think my brother had abandoned me?" Stefan asks hurt Lexi would have done something like that.

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