Worst Psychic Ever

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A/N: Idk if anyone cares for a Damon and crow backstory but you're getting one anyway at least my version idk if it was explained differently in the books or show and I missed it or forgot but this is my way of explaining it.

3rd Person POV:

"What do you mean I'm not human anymore?" Emma asks.

"You see the problem with trying to cure illnesses with vampire blood is the human body can only heal to a certain extent before it metabolizes the blood out of its system then whatever they suffered from before is free to return. If it's something that can heal in a controlled amount of time such as broken bones or cuts, lacerations, etc it can be completely healed within the time the vampire blood stays in their system. But for the more complex chronic diseases and ailments, ones that can take years to treat, I had been at a loss. The vampire blood would need to continuously be given to patients daily sometimes even multiple times a day, it was unsustainable," he explains loud enough for her to hear while retrieving something from an adjoining room.

Coming back over to her he holds a tiny white mouse.

"Then I had an idea, we needed a bridge... something between vampires and humans. Think of how mice are used to test medicines and cures before a clinical trial moves on. Not the same species but similar enough that scientists can perfect their work before moving on to human trials," he says clearing absolutely nothing up for her.

"So I'm a mouse?" Emma asks struggling to follow Greyson's villain-like monologue.

"You're a half-vampire," he corrects.

"Wait, what? That's not a thing," she argues.

"It wasn't until now, first of your kind is pretty impressive really," he tells her as if she should feel flattered.

"I developed it a while ago but struggled to find anyone in Augustine to volunteer for such an undertaking and forcing it on an unsuspecting human just seemed cruel," he continues on saying as he puts the mouse back into its cage.

"And this isn't cruel?!" Emma shouts after him incredulously.

"Just think of all the innocent children you will be helping," he tells her coming back over.

But his words do nothing to calm the rising panic she's feeling.


Meanwhile, Damon and Enzo have reached out to Lexi who is finding them a witch to help locate Emma. Until she arrives the pair are on the hunt for Miranda figuring she has to know something.

They searched the Gilbert house and found evidence of a lake house the family owned. It took a while to find an actual address but finally, they found some old mail and raced over to the address hoping it was what they thought it was.

Pulling up in a "borrowed" car they could hear Miranda and the kids inside, they waited until she put them to bed and then Damon approached the front door while Enzo went around the back.

Damon knocks on the door and hears Miranda come over but she must have looked through the peephole because she doesn't open the door for him to even ask for an invitation inside.

"Knock knock, big scary vampire out here and if you don't let me in I'm gonna huff and puff and well actually not so much blow your house down as let my friend Enzo here who has gone around your lovely property with a gas can light a match and burn it all down. With you and those sweet little kiddos inside... or you could just open the door," he says as Enzo finishes moving around the house a now empty gas canister in hand.

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