Learning about Canon events

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Brianna gazed at Gwen with a confused look on her face

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Brianna gazed at Gwen with a confused look on her face. "What the hell is going on?" She questioned her girlfriend, clearly perplexed. Gwen stated that she had to come clean to Brianna, and she stated that Brianna was never supposed to become Scarlet Spider, in turn making her an anomaly. Brianna still could not believe what she was hearing.

All the stuff about her being a great hero, had been nothing but lies. She could not believe this and thought that her girlfriend was lying.

"This is some kind of joke right?" Brianna asked

"I'm afraid not, look at this." Gwen 2099 said

 As they stood in Spider Woman 2099's information room, Brianna watched in amazement as the Web of Life and Destiny materialized around them. She couldn't resist asking about the nodes that connected different parts of the web.

"What are these nodes?" Brianna inquired, her curiosity sparked.

"They are the canon, chapters that are a part of every Spider story every time. Some good, some bad, some every bad" Spider Woman 2099 responded, her voice resonating in the dimly lit room. Brianna still struggled to grasp the concept, so Spider Woman 2099 went on to explain that these canon events were the chapters that intertwined all spider stories. However, they could also be disrupted, making anomalies incredibly dangerous.

As Brianna tried to comprehend this idea, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the Spider-Verse. Spider Woman 2099 scoffed at the name, instead referring to it as the Arachno-humanoid Poly Multiverse. Brianna couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Suddenly, Brianna turned around and was horrified by what she saw. Multiple displays showed the deaths of various versions of Gwen Stacy.

"Brianna, is something troubling you?" Gwen (Earth-65) inquired

"I keep having visions of your demise at the hands of Spectre. I just can't make sense of it." Brianna replied, her voice filled with concern.

"Gwen's death at the hands of Spectre, is a canon event. She needs to die saving you. Isn't that right, Gwen?" asked Spider Woman 2099

"Gwen, tell me what she's saying is not true." Brianna said

"I... cannot say that she's not right. My death cannot be avoided, it's something that needs to happen. I'm your canon event." Gwen stated

"No, you can't die. I need you in my life, you're my girlfriend." Brianna said while choking up

Gwen did not know what to say and could not bring herself to continue talking about her impending death at the hands of Spectre.

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