Chapter 2️⃣: Lonely Patient (1)

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[...... poppy]

Pope slowly opened her eyes, and her long curly eyelashes covered part of the bright light. She was a little confused and immediately remembered that she had reached the first mission world.

"She" was sitting by the window basking in the sun, with an English-sealed book on her abdomen. Poppe looked around. The wooden glass windows were very clean, the sun was very warm, and under him was a dark plaid fabric sofa. This should be the living room. There are several blooming gerberas in a clean glass vase on the dinner table. The whole room looks bright and warm. She stood up and found that her vision had become higher. Isn't it her own body?

"Alpha?" With the clear voice of the girl, Pope walked to the toilet inside.

[Yes, I'm here. This is your first mission world. I will leave later, and the task will be automatically released to you. The process may be accompanied by dizziness. Please pay attention.]

"Are you leaving?" Poppe saw a strange blonde girl in the mirror. Her long light blonde hair was smoothly attached to her ruddy cheeks when she had just woke up. Her big light brown eyes were transparent and bright under the light, faintly revealing water. She looks like the most expensive simulation doll in the department store window for display only.

[Yes, I'm sorry that I can't be by your side now.]

"It's you." Pepe smiled, and the sun shone on her fair face. Alpha saw the mirror through her eyes, and the program ran briefly. "Please, you will always be with my friend. Alpha, I'm glad you're here."

[My pleasure, Poppe.]

Poppe smiled at the girl in the mirror and bent his eyebrows.
This is me.
From now on, this is my new life.

[Pope, I don't have much energy. To make a long story short, please sit on the sofa as soon as possible. The task information will be transmitted immediately. After you absorb it, summarize the task and I will exist on the heart-shaped birthmark on your wrist. Unless it is an important joint point, I will not take the initiative to appear.]

There is a bright red birthmark the size of a small nail cap on the inside of her wrist, a special heart shape.

[When you check the task, press it and meditate in your heart.] Alpha paused for a moment [This is the way to find me in an emergency.]

"Okay, alpha, I hope to see you again soon." Pope sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and said goodbye to her partner.

[Goodbye.] A white Persian cat phantom is present in the sun. Its wet-looking nose gently touches the girl's cheek, and then turns into smoke into the girl's heart-shaped birthmark.

Poppe Flora, 20 years old, her parents who died unexpectedly half a year ago left a lot of property, enough for her to spend the rest of her life idle, but Flora was reluctant to worry about her aunt in California. What's more, her aunt had just given birth to twins and did not have extra energy to visit her often, so Flora was in high spirits. Reintegration into society.
Putting the violin in the box, Poppe planned to go out of the theater and buy a bunch of fresh lilies at the flower shop around the corner.

It has been a week since she came to the world of Captain America. Now she works as a violinist in the theater and performs twice a week. She likes the quietness of playing, so she often comes to the theater when she doesn't perform.

Poppe is very satisfied with her current life, except for one thing.

"Pope, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Will you try their signature dish at the new restaurant on Central Street tonight?" Jordans was wearing a black jacket, leaning on his new Harley motorcycle, with a smile on the corners of his mouth. The passing girl couldn't help looking at him secretly.

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