Chapter 4️⃣: Lonely Patient (3)

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Pope tiptoed to reach the calendar behind the door, crossed out today, and found something. She turned back to the first two to count them carefully, and then became excited: "Steve, today is the 100th anniversary of our relationship!" 

She opened her hands and rushed to Steve, who had just changed the light bulb for her, and hugged him tightly. "Have you changed it? You are awesome."

Steve held her waist and let her stand well. The girl's weight was not heavy, but he was reluctant to let her touch her. He looked helplessly at his little girl with a smile and dimples exposed: "It's just changing the light bulb, Popé, many people will."

"I can't, Steve, you're so awesome." She leaned her head against Steve's neck and rubbed it gently, sticking to her boyfriend like a big bear. 

The boyfriend with a sweet burden walked to the sofa and masturbate the big bear. He came down and put it on the sofa and sat down by himself. After sitting down, the big bear immediately took Steve's hand and hugged her tightly. He hummed a chaotic tune happily, and he couldn't tell which chapter and section of the violin practice song.

"Pope, I have something to discuss with you." Steve was obviously used to his sticky honey girlfriend, reaching out and touching the top of her head.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to join the army."

"...Puff, even if you want to join the army, you don't have to use this kind of heroic and righteous look." Pope let go of Steve's hand and poured himself a cup of honey tea. "Well... maybe it's heroic."

"Now the situation in the country is very tense. I have no reason to hide in the rear, even if my body..."

"Very good."

"I'm not in good health, and... Wait, Pope, what did you just say?" Steve's heroic expression was broken and turned into a stupid little golden hair. He turned his head and looked at Poppe in surprise.

"I said - I think it's good." She drank tea and looked at her boyfriend with big brown eyes outside. The fine light made her pupils shining brightly. "Steve, you can count the beatings you have suffered after we are together, basically because of your strong sense of justice that others can't understand. But I can understand that Steve I love is such a person, precisely because he has the persistence that others lack. Even if others look very stupid, I just know that he can do it.

"Very good, Steve, I support you." Pope made a silly refueling action, but the eyes staring at Steve were very gentle and full of encouragement.

"Pope..." Steve stared deeply at his girl. His blue eyes were not as bright and clear as usual, but as deep as the sea with turbulent emotions. He took a deep breath. He knew that his movements might be a little silly, but he also knew that his girl would never laugh at him.
He hugged her with a smile in front of him and felt his soft hand patting on the back to comfort him. He closed his eyes and restrained himself from crying.

He has never complained about the first half of his life, nor did he complain that God put his stubborn and determined soul in a weak and impossible body. He will not complain about the world and feel sorry for himself, but the many injuries he suffered on this lonely way forward are really true.

He walked alone on the road. He couldn't see the way ahead but still stubbornly moved forward. A beam of light suddenly shone in. His warm and soft hand grabbed his hand, chattering, and called him "Steve", "Steve", "Steve"... She didn't care about other people's opinions. She passed through the body. I saw his true self and sincerely love him, care about him and support him.
It was these hands, on his back, gently touching his soul, trying his best to eliminate his pain little by little, and wanting to continue to lead him.

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