Chapter 8️⃣: Lonely Patient (7)

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Dear Steve,
Zhan Xinyue.
I'm glad you finally found it and have your own team. I'm fine. Since I returned to Brooklyn last time, I have been volunteering in the hospital a lot. The cruelty of the war was indeed something I couldn't imagine. At first, I always felt uncomfortable, but later I persisted and thought that I had done a trivial thing for you and this country, so my daily fatigue also became full.
I don't have time to write more, but I still want to tell you that I'm fine. I hope you and Bar can come back as soon as possible.
I miss you 30 times a day.
Ps. Tell me that I have a girlfriend for him, who is beautiful, has a good figure and has a good personality.
Pps. Everyone praised my ring for being special.
Ppps. I love you.
Your super beautiful wife
Poppe Rogers
"Pope's letter?" A hand stretched out from behind and pulled away the letter paper. After taking a shower, he sat next to Steve with his upper body bare buttocks. They had just returned from the battlefield, and everyone was gray. Steve was anxious to read the letter and did not go to the bathhouse with his teammates.
"Have you read such a few short lines for more than ten minutes?" Baro quickly read Pope's letter and muttered, "Did she really find a girlfriend for me? Next time ask her to send a photo, the little liar can't believe it at all.
"Oh, swhew."
"Okay, I'm wrong." Barba spread out his hands to show his innocence, "I shouldn't have said your wife. Seriously, I still think you are developing too fast, right? When I was fighting in front of me, you got married silently. The big cat said it was very depressed.
"It happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to inform you." Steve smiled on his face, and the teammates who came in later must have talked about the captain's wife.
Looking at the fool in front of him, he hummed with dissatisfaction, turned the letter over and touched a hard photo: "There is also a photo hidden below." The people who followed the captain's gossip immediately came to the spirit and quickly gathered around them: "Captain, let's have a look!" That's right, I'm so embarrassed to get married." Just take a look..."
Everyone looked at Steve with expectation. Steve was helpless and motioned to turn out the photo. He handed it to Steve, and the helpless captain carefully tore open the patchy letter paper and pulled out a black-and-white photo.
Poppe stood at the door of Steve's familiar house with a bunch of blooming lilies in her arms. She wore a long skirt, but did not cover her slender and beautiful curves. Thinking that the opposite side was Steve, she smiled, revealing her white and neat teeth and dimples. Her big eyes were bright and touching by the flash, and her long curly hair fell straight down to her waist and abdomen, covering part of the lilies. She is as beautiful as a waltz minor in the early morning in Brooklyn.
"Wow, captain, you're so lucky! When did such a beautiful girl marry me, a poor boy?
"The captain is not rich. You still have a chance."
"Laun it, look at the captain's face and figure. Do you have it?"
Alas, if you rest as soon as possible, you may meet such a girl in your dream. The people who were hit by the couple group dispersed and went looking for comfort in their dreams. Bar beat Steve's arm and smiled sincerely: "Congratulations on your marriage yet. Remember to invite me to dinner when you go back."
"Of course." Steve looked at his brother and smiled, gently rubbing his fingers against the smiling face of the girl in the photo.

Poppe has just returned from the hospital. Recently, the war in Europe has become better. Germany has shown a decline, and there are not as many injured people retreating from the front line as usual, so she can go home and rest first when it's dark today. As soon as she took a shower, her fatigue faded slightly and she heard someone knocking at the door.
"Hello, Poppe Rogers, right?" An officer stood in front of the door, took off his hat and nodded to her.
"I am, excuse me..." Popella's tight coat, she was only wearing pajamas inside, and the wind at the door made her a little cold.
"Please come with us now." The officer leaned sideways at the car parked at the door.
"What happened to Steve? Sorry, I'll change my clothes and come out in a minute. Poppe couldn't wait to answer. He ran into the room and quickly changed into a winter flannel skirt, and hurriedly followed the officer into the car with his coat. The sky was completely dark, and there were some dim yellow lights on the street. Popé leaned his head against the car window, and the bright and dark light passed her, making her show an illusory charm.
"Are here, Mrs. Rogers. The captain is inside." He opened the car door and hesitated. "Something happened, let the captain tell you in person." The car is parked in front of an old antique shop full of ruins, which was blown up by an accident a few weeks ago, and now there is only moonlight in it.
Pope groped in and saw the rubble under the moonlight. Steve sat at a small round table drinking in the store and did not look back when he heard the sound.
"Steve." Poppe stopped a few steps away from him, and he finally turned his head to look at her. There were no tears on Steve's face, but his eyebrows frowned, and his blue eyes were full of pain: "Pope, I fell down. I didn't have time to catch him." She went to Steve, put his head on her body, and stroked his head, which was a comforting gesture between them.
"Tell me, Steve." Poppe asked him softly. He began to talk about the process of what happened. He was clear and logical, but when he couldn't bear to say it again, he didn't catch him.
"Think from the perspective of Bar, Steve. If it was you who fell, would you regret saving him? Your revenge for him is the best memory for him.
"I know, Poppe. I'm just a little... uncomfortable." He buried his head in the girl's arms, opening the softest part like a clam, and wanted the girl in front of him to wash away the sand from the wound.
"I know, Steve." The touch of the ring scratched his head. Little by little, the man in front of the girl was tough and strong, but he also had an injured side, only willing to show it to his favorite person.
"I'm going back to the army." Steve stood up, put the general's hat on his head, and reached out to touch his wife's cheek. "Pope, the war will soon end, and people will have a smile again." His eyes were firm and full of justice, just like when Popé first saw him in the alley of Brooklyn.
He bent down and kissed his wife's soft lips. The gentle fragrance surrounded him, and a force spread from his chest to his limbs. He took her in his arms and strode out of the antique shop, put her in the car, and handed her what was in his hand: "Goodbye, Popé."
Steve's back quickly disappeared on the corner of the street. Poppe looked down at what was in his hand. It was an identity card - James Barnes.

Pope didn't expect to "see" Steve so soon.
When she came back from the antique store that day, she picked an urn. She had already chosen the address, but she regretted it at the last minute and took him home and put it on the fireplace. Bart is Steve's brother and should be with them. In fact, Pope always has an unreal feeling. She has not been able to accept the fact that Bar is dead. Although her reason has accepted it, she always feels that the war is over, and Bar is back.
After only a week, the door of her house was knocked again. The person who came was Carter. Her face was not very good, and her makeup covered her deep fatigue: "Pope, I think you'd better go with us."
Once again, he got into the car. This time, the car drove for a long time. Carter sat next to her: "Steve is on a mission. He is flying to the South Pole in a plane carrying a nuclear bomb. We contacted him by radio, but..."
"But he may not come back, will he?" Poppe looked at the trees flying by the window and couldn't say that he was sad, but vaguely felt that he should be so confused. The appearance of a hero is always accompanied by sacrifice and farewell. In the past, so will Steve. Her face was printed on the glass, beautiful and touching, and she looked like a lost deer.
No one in the car spoke anymore. After arriving at a deserted open space, Carter apologetically blindfolded her and took her on a long road. Pepe could only hear the whimper at night. Then the blindfold was removed and the two stood in front of a console.
"That's the radio device. You can press the red button to speak. Steve is online."
"Thank you, Carter." Popper smiled at her, not knowing if he was laughing reluctantly.
Carter reached out and patted her on the shoulder and motioned everyone in the control room to go out. She walked at the end and saw the girl sitting straight and pressing the button when she closed the door.
"Pope." There was an immediately reply from there, and Steve still sounded so calm and reliable.
After a short pause, Popper thought for a moment and smiled, "What time is it now, Steve?"
"Three minutes past five."
"Is the sunrise in Antarctica beautiful?"
"...It's beautiful."
"I hope to watch it with you."
"Maybe next time?" Steve made a joke, and the couple laughed stupidly.
"I'm here, Pope."
"I'll wait for you in Brooklyn, and so will Bar. I brought him here. When you save the world, we can open a musical instrument store together. My violin is almost moth-wormed.
"Pope...sting--" The radio made a harsh noise, and Steve's communication was interrupted. Popei looked at the glass in front of him blankly and opened his mouth to cry, but found that he could only gasp like a dying fish, allowing tears to keep falling from his eyes.
[Pope, take a deep breath.] A white Persian cat appeared in the blurred vision. The alpha on his leg stretched out his forelimbs to wipe the girl's tears. [Deep breath, Steve is not dead yet.]
"al...alpha?" Poppe breathed freely, choked and called her friend's name.
[It's me, Poppe, you did a good job.] The Persian cat's two forefoot put on her shoulder and rubbed her cheek intimately with its beard, making a purring cry of comfort.
Pepe calmed down, but his eyes were still a little dry: "Isn't Steve dead?"
[Yes, it's an important node now. Sorry, Pope, the world can't give you more tips. In fact, if it weren't for your very good work, I might not be able to come out now. I have too little energy.
"Then can I still see him?"
[Yes... That's what I want to tell you. Steve will wake up in 70 years. I should have asked you to make a space-time jump now, but I don't have enough energy.] Popé listened quietly, reached out and touched alpha's head, signaling it to continue.
[So, there may be an accident in the process of jumping, and the process is also very painful...] It paused for a moment, [I'm really sorry, Poppe, I'm not capable enough.]
"It's okay, alpha. I believe you've tried your best." Popper kissed her friend's head and smiled, "And I still hope to see Steve, which is good. Don't blame yourself. If it weren't for you, I would have disappeared long ago. Come on, alpha, I'm ready."
[Start the space-time transition - 10%]
[Jumption completed - 100%]
[Task II Activation]
[Insufficient system energy, start hibernation mode]

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