Chapter 1️⃣3️⃣: Moral Prisoner (3)

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"Clark?" A warm hand gently stroked his face. Clark woke up from a deep sleep and saw his wife looking at him with a smile. The apron around her thin waist, and there was the smell of scrambled eggs and bacon in the air.

"Why did you sleep so long today? Are you uncomfortable?" Popee sat on the edge of the bed to touch his forehead, and the other hand grabbed his hand.

"No." Clark looked at his wife carefully. Sure enough, he saw the small mole on his eyelids and smiled, revealing his sharp tiger teeth. "I dreamed of when we first met."

"Really, big fool." Pope stood up and wanted to bring him up... Of course, she didn't pull it. She beat Clark's chest anx anx, which was so hard that her hands hurt. She rolled her eyes and stood up and went downstairs. "Get up and eat. You have to talk business with Dad today."

Today's clothes have been folded by the bed, and the clothes are ironed cleanly. Clark can also smell the faint fragrance of roses on Pepe's body. Wife, the word chewed silently in his mouth. He smiled, sweet and silly, and he couldn't see a trace of anger. It's good.

After washing up and going downstairs, Jonathan was already sitting on the sofa. Clark had already heard it upstairs, so he was not surprised when he went downstairs. He just simply said hello to him. "Dad."

"Pope will make you a lazy one day. Let's see what time it is before getting up." The childish old man looked at the morning news on TV and ignored his son.

"Hey, don't talk about Clark, or you are not allowed to watch TV." Popé poked his head out of the kitchen and severely warned the father who relied on the old.

"I'm helping you!" Jonathan is not convinced.

"My husband can only be scolded by me, and he is very good. He is very good all over his body." Poppe served a plate for Clark at the table, which contained a few crispy and juicy bacon and two fried eggs, and a few broccoli, in the shape of a smiling face. Clark heard them quarrel, shook his head with a smile, and didn't say anything.

"Do you still eat?" Popper took a detour to the sofa to get a glass to pour milk for Clark, and asked Jonathan by the way.

"No, I'm full of anger! Go out and wait for you, Clark." Jonathan took his coat and looked up and walked out of the door. He had already eaten at home.

"Childish." Poppe commented in a low voice behind him, put the cup on the table, sat next to Clark, and couldn't help laughing and talking to him, "Can you have enough? I made small cakes for you and Dad. Martha also said yesterday that she would let Dad bring corn cakes today. Remember to eat some when you are hungry, and pay attention to ask Dad to eat some. You two..."

The wife hung on her left arm, and her face was also attached to it, and chattered endlessly, like a baby dragon cat occasionally caught in the field. Her face was also very cute, soft and warm.

"I will pay attention to it if I can eat enough." Clark stood up after eating and picked up the pendant on his hand.

He wanted to take the plate to the kitchen. "If you're not in a hurry, wait for me to come back to wash the dishes."

Popper took the plate and put it on the table and pushed him to the door. "You go. Dad is still waiting for you outside. I'll find Martha later."

She sent it to the door and was too lazy to change her slippers. Clark turned around and looked at her. His handsome face smiled. Pepe also smiled at him. His blue eyes were shining, full of smile and gentleness. He reached out to straighten the neckline of his plaid shirt and kissed him... "Come back early and pay attention to safety. Don't make a move when someone provokes you. Go back and hit him in private.

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