Chapter 2️⃣0️⃣-2️⃣3️⃣: Heart of flesh and blood (1-4)

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Pope stood in the team and looked at the menu above the Burger King counter, thinking about which one to eat today. There was a slight sound of pressing the shutter in her ear. She turned her head. Several boys in school uniforms sat not far away and turned their heads together. She smiled helplessly. Maybe she should go out with a hat next time.
Her eyes fell back to the counter and inevitably fell on the man with a hat in front of him. His thick hair was pressed under the baseball cap, and the dull hair raised from the gap of the hat made him look a little cute, and he also wore the latest customized Armani handmade suit, outlining his waist and buttocks.
But when it was his turn to order food, there was a small problem. He touched his pocket and only pulled out a credit card and a few screw parts, so Pope saw him leaning against the counter. From her perspective, he could see the sexy chin outline under the hat and the big caramel-colored eyes that seemed to have stars. He blinked at the counter girl: "Sweetheart, can I swipe the card?"
The little sister at the counter was indifferent: "No, the next one."
"Poof--" Pope couldn't help laughing. He leaned out half of his body from behind the man, pulled out a $50 cash from the wallet and handed it to the little sister at the counter with a smile. "Then I'll treat this sweetheart to a hamburger. I want a double of cheese."
"Good choice." Stark raised his eyebrows and said, "The same."
The indifferent expression of the little girl at the counter became a little shy. She looked at Poppe in a daze: "Okay...Okay."
I would like to see who is the most lovely in the world than me. I am popular. The narcissist, billionaire, philanthropist and inventor have many titles. Tony Stark, who has just appeared on the cover of the times, looked sideways at the owner of the white and slender hand.
The black-haired girl has watery green eyes, and her outline is not as deep as a complete Westerners. Instead, she has a soft and gentle taste. She wears a simple and generous bright yellow knee-length skirt, but her touching body curve makes this skirt a little overdone.
She smiled at this time, like a sudden spring breeze, and like a daisy just probing her head. She is the darling carefully selected by God when she was created, which reminds people of gentle and bright colors at a glance.
He blinked, marveled in his heart, took the hamburger handed to him by the clerk, and made a wink. His big caramel-colored eyes were framed by long eyelashes, showing a naive and fanatical charm.
Pope did not receive such a strong hormonal smell. She felt that the beard in front of her had a special shape, and her eyes could hold a coquettish man with a sea of stars, like a cute little boy. She took over another hamburger and left Burger King one after another.
"Sweetheart, thank you for your hamburger. Maybe I can buy you a drink tonight?" He may be very hungry. He opened the wrapping paper and ate while looking at Poppe. By the way, he blinked his charming big eyes and invited the beautiful girl in front of him to spend the night together. But he didn't know that the sauce of the hamburger stuck to his chewed moustache, which was even more cute.
"Thank you, but forget it." The beautiful girl also opened the wrapping paper and didn't mean to maintain the image of a perfect lady in front of Stark at all. She refused him with a smile and looked up to the Audi sports car that was honking on the street. "I'm here to pick you up. I hope your card will be used next time."
The beautiful girl also gave him a lovely wink and walked to the corner of the street without looking back.
"I still have a lot of black cards! And they can use it all!" Stark, who was over forty years old but still naive, shouted dissatisfiedly, and only got the beautiful girl's perfunctory wave and merciless back.
"Happi, am I not handsome enough today?" Stark got into the car, broke the mirror on the leather seat, looked at it seriously, and concluded, "That beautiful girl must be blind." In terms of narcissism, no one can compare with Tony Stark. cross out)

"Tony, you must choose an assistant among these three today." Little Pepper stood next to the boxing ring with a ten-centimeter thin heel and asked Stark, who was fighting with Hapi with a serious expression. "I have found a female assistant as you asked. The remaining three are not only beautiful with beautiful education but also excellent ability. It's no problem to be your life assistant."
"Tony--" Little pepper pulled the rope of the ring to come up. Tony raised his hand like surrender, and his big caramel eyes were full of friendship: "Okay, sweetheart, just choose. I will accept all your arrangements, as long as it's you."
Little Pepper's cold face ignored Stark's eye attack: "Well, the new assistant will take office tomorrow. As long as you don't spread the rumor of sexual harassment or get into any lawsuit, I will be very grateful to you."
Happy was drinking water and laughed when he heard the words.
Stark spread his hands and said innocently: "Girls will only fall in love with me. Who makes me so charming?"
Little pepper: ...
Happy: ...
You have the final say in paying your salary.

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