Chapter 9️⃣: Lonely Patient (8)

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"Hey! Captain, how about having a drink tonight? The young female agent with long legs and buttocks at the front desk of S.H.I.E.L.D. greeted Captain America who had just returned from the mission. A few steps behind, Natasha happened to hear the little girl's accosted, raised her red lips, and counted in her heart, the twenty-third.
"Sorry, I'm married." Steve Rogers nodded politely to her and entered the elevator with a shield without squint.
Natasha also followed up and leaned against the elevator: "Captain, are you coming to the party tonight?"
"Well, I think I'd better go home first." Steve should relax in front of his teammates. He touched his nose and said, "There will be a chance in the future."
"Okay, captain, remember to take your sandbag away." Watching the captain walk out of the elevator to his dressing room, Natasha teased him with a slight smile and went upstairs with the task. Fury complained to her the other day that the captain had broken five sandbags this week, even if it was only Thursday.
Steve didn't look back and waved his hand. He changed his clothes and went out from the back door of S.H.I.E.L.D. with his bag. His activity tonight is to go to the gym and then go back to his house in Brooklyn. It has been a month since he woke up, but Steve still feels that he is out of line with this era. The fast-growing technology and the ever-growing electronic products are all things he doesn't want to touch.
The teammates are not bad. Natasha is good at dealing with people. Hawkeye is straightforward, but the agents around him ask for signatures and group photos from time to time, which bother him a little. The most important thing is... Steve reaches out and touches the ring on his ring finger - there is no her in this era. He asked Fury to check her news, but only got the news that she disappeared after Captain America disappeared.
Steve didn't know whether it would give him a little comfort to hear the news of her death, or whether the news of her whereabouts still gave him hope, but seventy years was really a long time for human beings.
Put on your hat and go back to Brooklyn, take a shower and turn off the lights to sleep, and the day will be over. Sometimes there is a beautiful girl in her dream. She chattered around him tirelessly, with stars in her smiling eyes, always calling him "Steve", "Steve", "Steve" "Steve"..."
Seven o'clock.
Steve woke up on time and pressed the alarm at the head of the bed. After washing, the toast was automatically baked. This was given to him after Natasha had set it up. He simply fried an egg. Before he finished eating, the communicator sounded. Natasha's beautiful voice sounded: "Good morning, captain. I hope you have finished your breakfast, because I We have an emergency task."
"Good morning, Natasha." After a few bites of breakfast, Steve put the plate into the sink and hurried out with the bag.
"Exit 3 of 10th Street, we'll wait for you there, captain."

Another day's task was completed. It was already eight o'clock in the evening. The sky was dim, and the colorful neon lights on the ground lit up the sky of New York. When she went back in a helicopter, Natasha received a phone call from Frey. She answered a few words briefly, and her smiling eyes floated to Captain America, and decisively ended the call.
"Captain, Fury said that you can go home without going back to S.H.I.E.L.D." She reached out and patted the eagle's eye in the cab, and made a few simple gestures, "You go down to the next intersection, there are fewer people there now."
Steve frowned: "But I haven't changed my clothes yet." Appearing in the crowd in Captain America's uniform can cause a lot of commotion even at night. The helicopter has gradually descended, close to what Natasha said. The amorous female agent rolled her eyes: "There is an alley next to it. Captain, you can be more adaptable. Well, go down now."
The captain had no choice but to jump down from nearly ten meters high with his bag and ran into the alley before causing a commotion. Natasha shouted from the air, "Yes, captain, the gym is broken. Don't go today!"
Huh? Captain America, who felt that his teammates were strange today, quickly changed his clothes in a remote place and walked home with a hat. When he passed by the park at the door, he found a group of children buying marshmallows and hot dogs around the dining car.
Steve went up and bought a marshmallow. God knows why. He was very hungry but he didn't buy a hot dog and bought a marshmallow that he didn't eat at all. Until he stood at the door to get the key, Captain America's quick-thinking didn't figure out why he suddenly bought a marshmallow.
Steve came to his senses. As soon as he inserted the key into the door, he heard a faint sound from the room. He frowned, held the shield in his hand against his chest, and slowly pushed the door open.
There is no imaginary enemy attack. The light in the house is on. I don't know from which corner the familiar violin movement comes out. It is soothing, smooth and a little lively. The door is facing the kitchen. There is a slender figure walking briskly around the apron. Steve can also hear her soft voice humming in a minor tune, and steaming. Freed out, moved from the kitchen to the door, passing through the vase on the dining table, bringing the fragrance of lilies inside.
Steve's shield fell to the ground and made a sound. He felt that he might still be dreaming or being spiritually attacked in the enemy's lair, but what kind of spiritual attack would be so beautiful and real. He stared at the slender back, and his handsome face showed the usual blank look of Popé.
She turned around when she heard the sound and found that she was tall and strong. Captain America, who could punch down seven or eight gangsters on the street and easily jump from ten meters, squatted at the door like a stupid golden retriever, holding a pink marshmallow, waiting for the master's call. So she smiled and showed her dimples and shouted. He said, "Steve, welcome home."
"Bo... Popei--" He looked at his wife Guan Xiaohuo, came to him and took his hand. He could see the ring on his white fingers and feel the delicate and soft touch from the palm. She smiled more brightly than the light. Everything she had was within reach. She was not dreaming, and she would not blink.
"Steve, it's me." Poor little, Poppe looked at him lovingly.
"Pope--" This look recalled Steve's mind, and he had no choice but to call her.
"Are you hungry?" She returned to the kitchen with a smile and looked sideways at her large dog pendant. "While eating, you can take a shower first, and you can eat when you come out."
Someone is motionless and pretends to be four times his hearing completely invalid.
"I won't leave, I promise." The wife pushed the deaf husband into the bathroom. The young wife tried her best to take care of the 90-year-old man. Is it true love in the world or something else? (cross out the whole sentence). "You can hear my voice anyway. I will always sing. Go and go."
"Pope." Steve grabbed her hand, his blue eyes stared at her gently, and his long golden eyelashes framed his turbulent emotions. "You want me to hear it all the time, okay?"
"Okay!" The beautiful girl collapsed and fell to the door and trotted back to the kitchen, fouling and fouling.
The good mood of the two continued to the dinner table. As usual, Popper sat close to Steve, hanging his hand on his arm from time to time, leaning his head against him and rubbing it twice. Sometimes his calves would kick the captain's leg.
"Be gentle, Poppe, or your feet will hurt." Seventy years later, Steve still had no choice but to deal with this sweet trouble, allowing her to do something like a puppy.
"Steve, look, I also brought the bar." In the middle of the meal, Pope remembered the dog tag on his chest and quickly took it out to show Steve. "I put it at home, but later I went to you and took it away. Fortunately, I took it with me."
Steve cut her meat and listened to her chatter. He felt that the whole house had come to life, and he really came from Brooklyn 70 years ago to today.
"I was crying. All right, it's over." The wife shook his arm and motioned him not to show such an expression. "Later, I saw a piece of white light shining and reached out to pick it up. Suddenly, a burst of light flashed and crackled." The childish ghost girl manually added special effects to herself.
"Pope - let's talk about the point."
"Well, there was no crackling sound. I thought I was going to die. I thought it would be great if I could see you, and then I appeared in the park downstairs of your house. I didn't bring anything, and I was also strange around. I had to go to the police station, and then an agent Conson came to me, huh. Pope ate Steve's meat and continued to lean against him, "Ask some questions, explain the current situation to me, and then I'll wait for you to come back."
"That's it?"
"Yes, and Agent Coson is really a good person. I don't understand the current electrical appliances, but he taught me several times and understood it. In fact, it's quite simple."
Steve touched his wife's head and motioned her to continue eating. Popper was a little full. He put the pork fork into Steve's plate and ate the leftover vegetables by himself.
"What about you? How long have you been awake? How's it going? The beautiful girl's bright big eyes stared at her lover, gentle and pious, as if she could not stir up any panic when she came to this strange era.
"I've been awake for more than a month, and it's okay except for some discomfort." He held his girl on his lap and sat, "Work... is the agent Colson you came into contact with today. He is my colleague. Anyway, everything is fine."
"Steve, it's okay. I'm here. I was also a little scared to see these at first, but I thought, anyway, you still have it by my side, so it doesn't matter where you are. Poppe looked up and kissed her husband's chin, grabbed his hand and held it tightly.
The force in her hand is very small, but she holds the kite line holding him in her hand. No matter where he is or where he goes, his girl holds the string tightly and guides him back to Brooklyn. From the little Steve to the current Captain of America Steve, this soft and smiling girl has never been to him. After changing, he will only pay more care and love to him day by day, no matter how strong he is in front of others.
In front of her, Steve is not a symbol of the American spirit, not an idol he worshipped in his childhood, and he does not have aura that he can't even figure out. In front of her, Steve is just a little man from Brooklyn, a always righteous soul, and always insists on his ideal lover.
"Ah, it's that piano song." Poppe stood up and dragged Steve to the living room, and the music that penetrated 70 years echoed in this small room. She took off her shoes, stood barefoot on Steve's slippers, wrapped her arms around her lover's neck, and leaned her head on his shoulder as before, so that he could completely surround herself. During this dance, she slowly and talked to him silently.
She closed her eyes and leaned against Steve's shoulder, relieved and relieved. A tear crossed the corners of her eyes, and she was almost forgetting the heartbreaking pain of jumping at all times. It was worth it, as long as she came back to him.
"Steve, if I disappear one day, I must wait for me to come back, and I will definitely come back to you."
Poppe held his wrist and checked the task.
[Task 1: Marry Steve Rogers - Completed]
[Mission 2: Get Steve Rogers' "I Love You".]

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