Chapter 2️⃣4️⃣-2️⃣9️⃣: Heart of Flesh and Blood (5-10)

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It's almost Christmas Eve, and Stark is still studying his steel suit in his basement. Poppe is still the assistant of this big baby. The difference is that now she has a Tony Stark girlfriend.

"Tony--" Poppe ran down the living room in slippers and obeying at home. She now doesn't have to maintain the original serious and reliable assistant style, and her inner personality is also exposed.

She ran downstairs with a tablet in a smile, with long black hair tied with a ball head delicately, and approached her boyfriend affectionately. "What kind of greeting card do you think is better? I want to invite Ethan and others to spend Christmas Eve."

Stark, as usual, wore a white work vest and trousers. He put the suspended three-dimensional transparent image in the folder, looked at the tablet held by Pope, and blinked his big eyes: "Baby, we should spend a romantic Christmas Eve together. Why are there some irrelevant people?"

"How about this? This is also good. Jarvis and I have been choosing it for a long time, and there are only two left. It's up to you. Poppe didn't care what Tony said at all. Anyway, she had understood that the 40-year-old man was actually a hard-mouthed child and didn't know how to express the people he cared about.

"..." Why are there people in the world who are more wayward than me, and they are also my girlfriend? What else can I do?

Tony's finger crossed the touch screen, and the two childish cartoon characters on it made him sneer, naive, but in the face of Pope's expectant eyes, he swallowed his words, "I thought I was going to a kindergarten party." Stark faked, "The first one is very good, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Tony. Then you keep up the work. I'll inform Jarvis for dinner." Pope kissed his beard excitedly and turned around and trotted up in slippers. "Jarvis, I want this. I think Pope and Happi can order only one, Ethan..." The girl's bird-like chirping voice gradually disappeared on the stairs.

"Sir, I think you should look at your expression." A photo jumped out of the touch screen on the table. The beautiful girl was close to him, and she looked cheerful and happy like a puppy sticking out her tongue. Stark's eyes fell on Poppe's face, the corners of his mouth naturally raised that he didn't expect, and the outline of his side face was soft and gentle.

"...I'm the one with this stupid face?" Stark can't believe that he should be skillful, but it is true that since this beautiful girl showed her gentleness, it has easily occupied all his mind.

"Sir, do you have any ideas for Christmas gifts?" Jarvis's elegant London accent is the same as before, and Tony doesn't know why he feels a little cool.

"Little Peppers and their sweetheart will prepare, sweetheart..." Starcra opened the document and reprojected the design into the air. "I'll think about it again."

Dear Pope & Hapi/Eason/Coltel Rod,

I'm Poppe. I sincerely invite you to spend a wonderful dinner with Tony and me at Malibu at seven on Christmas Eve. There is no party here, but there is a lot of champagne; there are no beauty, but there are many friends; there is no noise here, but there is an exclusive performance. If you can come, you just need to bring your partner.
There is no companion to bring pets. If you don't have any pets, then come here with tears.

I am looking forward to your arrival.

Ps. Friends get together, please feel free to dress.

Pps. If you want to beat Tony Stark on the way to dinner, don't worry, we will bring our own boxing gloves.

Your sincere friend

Pope White

"Hey, what does the last one mean," Tony hugged Pope, who was cooking from behind and turned his head to look at the content of the projection. "Sweetheart, I am this image in your heart. Do you have any misunderstanding of me?"

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