Chapter 1️⃣7️⃣: Moral Prisoner (7)

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"Clark, wake up." One hand patted his cheek, and a familiar voice called him. Clark opened his eyes and found that he was sleeping on the sofa at home. Popé was bending down and looking at him with a smile, "Is it too boring? I just want to sleep in the afternoon."

"I... seem to have had a dream." Clark grabbed his wife's waist and let her sit on his lap. His memory was a little confused. Should I stay at home? But I seem to... something hasn't been completed yet.

"Real, Clark?" The voice in his arms became farther and farther away, and he couldn't hear it clearly. He wanted to concentrate. A slender finger fell on his eyebrows and gently pushed it. "Maybe you should wake up."

The warm home turned into a flying light spot in the turbulence of time and space, and Clark woke up. He was lying on a reef in the Indian Ocean, and the seagulls were hovering in the sky. The light illuminated half of his face through the thick dark clouds above, and the world unfolded in front of his eyes.

Poppe. He called silently, felt the power in his body gradually recover, and remembered why he was lying here. Sade activated the world engine to turn the earth into a second Kepler star, and the only way is to destroy them.

So the military took away the spacecraft that sent him to the earth and wanted to put it into the world engine of the metropolis to create a singularity to end the war. And he came to the Indian Ocean to destroy the world engine here.

His strength recovered, the influence of the world engine on him disappeared, Clark stood up and flew into the sky to the metropolis. His war was not over yet.

When Clark arrived, the human plane was crashing into the world engine, and a singularity appeared. It burst out a huge suction and absorbed everything around it.

However, the time of singularity has always been short, so soon, it disappeared with the world engine, and the wind still blew from the sky, as if nothing had happened. Clark fell on the open space created by the world engine, his red cloak hunted, and gradually appeared behind the surrounding ruins.

"Clark!" Popé ran out from behind the shelter and ran to her husband in the center, and several staff of the Daily Planet behind him also slowly walked out.

"Pope." He hugged his wife and scanned her again. Except for a little bruise on his arm, everything was fine. He stroked his wife's head soothingly and inserted his finger. Go to her golden hair and lean down slightly to kiss her.

The sound of pressing the shutter slightly, but the only Clark who heard the sound was not in the mood to care about it, so he had to concentrate.

"Ka Al--!!!" At the other end of the open space, Saxon shouted heartbreakingly, and his voice was full of despair and anger, like a desperate beast.

"Stay here." Clark let go of his wife and flew over in the air.

"You took my soul, and you made it impossible for Kepler to have any more hope. Ka Al, you will also taste the taste of despair. Saxon raised his head to look at Clark in the air, his eyes full of shocking madness, and there was a flame of anger in his eyes. He looked over Clark and looked at the slender figure over there, "How has it been since your wife? Your expression will be very interesting!"

Clark rushed up quickly, and Saad also flew up, and the two flew over the city. The battle beyond human reach has begun.

Popé couldn't see anything below. She could only judge Clark's position by loud roar and collapsed houses. She held the birthmark on her wrist.

"alpha, can you help me see where Clark is?"

[In view of the high force value of the pillar figure, it is recommended that you wait for him at the final location - the Metropolitan Central Library, starting from your current location and arriving in ten minutes. In addition...] Alpha hesitated, [Pope, don't fall down, I just detected that you are pregnant.]

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