Chapter 3️⃣2️⃣-3️⃣4️⃣: Gotham Addict (3-5)

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Poppe pushed the supermarket trolley to buy things with great interest. She wore nine-point slim jeans and a white shirt, simply unbuttoned two buttons to reveal the white and delicate collarbone, pedaled a pair of white sneakers, wore a rick&morty peripheral baseball cap, and long white and gold hair behind her shoulders. .

She looks young and energetic but with the charm and gentleness of women. Even if no one recognizes her as a musician in the fire now, Poppe's over-heated figure has attracted a lot of attention.

She pushed the trolley, ran a few steps, pressed her upper body on it, and her feet were off the ground, allowing her habit to slide up to half a meter. This childish little game made her very happy and laughed like a big fool.

In fact, she enjoys the feeling of going to the supermarket very much. Carefully choosing the supplies of life or cooking materials will make her feel down-to-earth and serious, thus creating a sense of satisfaction.

After visiting the daily necessities area, she pushed the cart to the fresh area, where she was familiar with it. The meat for Western-style meals could be bought in the supermarket. There was no need to cross half of the city to go to Chinatown to buy. But today is a little different. Poppe observed that a lame old man with crutches had been standing in the beef area for five minutes, and the irresponsible shopping guide was urging him to buy a piece of not so fresh beef tenderloin.

"Hey, dad, it's said that I'll make the dishes tonight. I don't like beef tenderloin." Poppe pushed the car over, and his smiling and intimate voice was easy to make people feel good. She pointed to the beef leg meat inside, "I think that's good. It must be very fragrant with red wine."

She turned her head to look at the old man and frowned at the invisible place of the shopping guide. Look at the old man clearly... No, he can't be called an old man. The man opposite is energetic. His hair is white, but his face is clean and neat. I don't know why his feet are lame, and he is also bloated, so that when he doesn't see his face, he thinks he is an old man.

"Of course, that's it." He smiled and restrained his restraint and was very memeanor.

"Thank you for your help. I'm really not good at this." Alfred smiled just right. Yes, the all-round housekeeper A Fu was very anxious about the lifelong event of his young master who was about to reach his 40s. After feeling the possibility of future development, he dressed up to "examine on the ground".

"It's just a small matter, but you have to pay attention next time." Poppe smiled and pushed the cart to go to the spice area. Alfred stopped her: "I'm sorry...but...Miss..."

"Just call me Poppe." She stopped and watched Ah Fu listen to him carefully. Ah Fu's inner goodwill is increased by ten.

"Okay, Miss Poppe, if you are not busy, I don't know if you can help the elderly choose." Ah Fu showed an innocent and confused look, "It's usually my son who does this. He has something to do today, so... Of course, I'm really sorry if I disturb you."

Poppe went through the list of what to do tonight, and there was no work arrangement, so she smiled and said, "Of course, I like to pick things very much! I also want to thank you for giving me such an opportunity.

Shopping in the supermarket is a kind of enjoyment for Poppe. Standing in front of a neat shelf, comparing which product is more suitable for him is actually reflecting his values and attitude towards life. What's more, Fred is a funny gentleman and very comfortable to talk to him.

So an hour later, when the two stood at the door of the supermarket and said goodbye, they had become Facebook friends who followed each other, and the topic also changed from the initial product introduction to the evaluation and exchange of the newly released Pixar animated movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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