Chapter 6️⃣: Lonely Patient (5)

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Steve..." The girl lying on her chest muttered his name in her dream, and her golden hair was scattered on his chest, soft and obedient. 

He was afraid of disturbing her beautiful dream, but he couldn't control it. He gently stretched out his other hand to pull up the quilt for her and kissed her gently on the forehead.

He was full of tenderness and filled his chest, holding his treasure. He felt that the time went back to the moment when Pope confessed under the street lamp, to the moment when the two danced, and back to the tens of thousands of clips of the two people getting along with each other. After a while, he realized that getting along with her was a treasure that he didn't want to forget. Every moment of feeling is just stopping here.

The girl's weight is nothing to him, who is now four times more physique, but he feels heavy. The gap in life is completely filled by her, leaving only soft and happy emotions.

"Steve--" Popee woke up from his dream and rubbed him with his eyes closed, like a newborn bird seeking shelter. Steve sat up, let her lean on his shoulder, and completely surrounded her.

"What time is it now?" She finally opened her eyes, and the light from the window had turned dim, and the wall clock pointed to five. 

Popper bulged his cheeks and reached out to hit her boyfriend's bulging chest: "Damn it, it's afternoon. I told you to stop." With that, he was a little shy and wanted to jump out of bed to take a shower.

Steve stretched out an arm around her thin waist until he was sure that she had stood firm: "My fault, you hit it a few more times."

 He reached out to catch Popei's hand, with an upright face, but she was so bad in bed that she usually let me go. She quickly pulled out her hand in a panic and wrapped in a blanket and went into the bathroom.

"Pope." Steve, who was forced to be exposed, sighed helplessly.

When Steve came out after taking a shower, Pope was already sitting at the dinner table waiting for him to eat. Steve noticed a black wooden box with a lock next to the beautiful girl, which was where she saved money.

"Steve, you said earlier that you wouldn't go to the front line. Where are you going?" 

Handing him the freshly cut steak, Popé turned around and poured two glasses of red wine. Now that Steve is well, he has no worries about eating and drinking.

"In fact, I'm going to... perform, so to speak." There was a complicated look on Steve's face, and he was unhappy.

"Forget it if you don't want to go."

"I want to go... But anyway, it's a little complicated." Steve stopped talking about this topic. He remembered Popé's black box, "What are you going to do with the money?"

"Steve--" She put down the knife and fork in her hand and solemnly held Steve's right hand. He also stopped eating and looked at his girl seriously, wondering if she could advance her salary. "Let's get married."

Steve's serious expression was cracked, and he even thought that he had a problem with his very sensitive hearing.

"I didn't want to get married because you were in good health. In fact, I was thinking about it a month ago..."


"Think about it or not... Really! Great!" Pope stood up and pounced on Steve. The new fiance walked around the house with his girl in his arms, like two large dolls dancing. Sure enough, idiots and naivety can be infected. 

"Actually, I should have said it first." Steve was a little annoyed by his slow motion, but he originally wanted to propose marriage when he was in better conditions to raise his girl well, but now he has become urgent, as immature as his little girl.

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