Chapter 1️⃣9️⃣: Moral Prisoner (9)

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Poppe has been pregnant for nine months. She has become sleepy and tired easily. Although her limbs are not fat, she is a little puffy. She often feels uncomfortable, but the good thing is that she is very optimistic. Every day she wakes up with a smile, talks to her husband, Martha, Jonathan and Joe, and looks at baby products on her mobile phone.

Clark massaged her whenever he was free, hoping that she would feel better. Joe analyzed that because Clark's situation is relatively special, the child's growth stage requires higher nutrition and higher requirements for the mother.

When Pope woke up, the first thing was to touch her stomach. The child inside sometimes kicked her and greeted her mother. Sometimes she even felt that the connection of blood made the child understand what she meant.

"Pope." Clark heard the change in Poppe's breathing frequency downstairs and went upstairs to see her. "It's sunny today. Do you want to go to the sun?"

Popeye nodded with a smile. She was very tired, but in good spirits. She stared at her husband and looked carefully at the fine lines on his forehead, thick eyebrows, curly eyelashes, deep blue eyes, straight nose, and lips that were often squeezed. She leaned her head on Clark's shoulder and felt at ease.

When Clark took his wife to the yard, everyone happened to be there. Jonathan and Joe sat under the tree drinking tea. Martha came out of the kitchen with dried honey cakes. When she saw her son coming out with the big baby in his arms, she unfolded the lounge chair and threw the blanket on it.

"Thank you, Martha." The beautiful girl smiled at Martha, her face was a little pale, but her eyes were shining.

Clark wanted to put her down and reached out to touch the chair, but felt a little cold. So he pulled the blanket and sat down. He wrapped the blanket around his wife and held it by himself. He didn't feel tired at all.

There is a familiar aroma of corn ears in the wind. The weather is fine today. The sun at five o'clock in the afternoon is not poisonous but warm. Martha joined the conversation between the two old people. Clark hugged Popei and patted her on the back like comforting a child. Popé lay relaxedly, saw the white clouds floating through the leaves above his head, and couldn't help humming softly.

There are three little bears living together, father bear, mother bear, and baby bear.

Popé couldn't remember the lyrics. He hummed back and forth. Clark looked at her with a smile on his face, which was the most dazzling gem in his wife's heart. The child in his stomach moved, and Clark put his hand on it nervously: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. Xiaodouzi is greeting you." Pope didn't even open his eyelids and asked Clark every time he moved. The three people who spoke also came over and wanted to feel the movement of their little arms and calves in their mother's stomach. His stomach moved again, but Popé frowned.

"It's a little different... Clark... It hurts a little." Poppe's eyes were open, and water-like sweat began to fall on her face. She began to gasp, "I may be going to give birth..."

Clark stood up and gave his wife to Jonathan: "Let's go first." Then he quickly changed his clothes and flew to the Metropolitan Hospital with her in his arms. When he landed, it may not be 30 seconds before Poppe finished saying that sentence.

The doctor pushed Pope into the delivery room. It is reasonable that most pregnant women should still have a clear consciousness at this stage. They only feel very painful, but Pepe fell into a coma. Her consciousness rose to the sky above the operating room. She saw herself unconscious, pale and wet with sweaty lying on her face.

[Pope.] Alpha is also a transparent spiritual posture. It stops beside Poppe and sees the doctors and nurses below in a mess.

"Do I have to go? Can this child be born?" Popé was sad, but he didn't know what expression to show on his face. Only those eyes were full of pain and reluctance.

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