Chapter 1️⃣0️⃣: Lonely Patient (9)

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Natasha found that the captain "lived" at a speed visible to the naked eye. He no longer resisted the tools and convenience brought by the development of science and technology, and no longer lived a dry life like a piece of toast every day.
She noticed that the captain's daily dress had undergone earth-shaking changes. The clothes she wore were fresh laundry detergent and were very flat. Even when he was asked to wear a suit, there was no mistake in the color of his tie and tie knot style.
His beard is very clean, and occasionally there are small scratches, which means that he is not doing it by himself. The nails on his hands are flat and there are no barbs, which means that the nutrition is balanced, the shoes are also very clean, and the combination is reasonable and comfortable... She really took good care of the captain. Natasha agreed with Coson's report, at least this wife I really love the captain.
What's more, the captain himself enjoys it...
"Natasha, do you know how to find a place to sell flowers?" The captain frowned and stared at the smartphone in his hand with hatred, as if holding a nuclear bomb. "Pope asked me to find the flower shop with my mobile phone..."
"Ah...wait, she said I could call her and ask, Natasha, thank you." The captain didn't raise his head and smiled. He put his mobile phone back in his pocket and jumped off the helicopter with a shield.
Agent A: ...
Moreover, the social account that began to apply for the captain also made a noise, which, of course, refers to the trumpet. The official account of Captain America is personally taken care of (crossed out) by Agents of Captain America.
Originally, the scenery photo was basically one in two weeks, and it became one a day. From the beginning, "Today's pumpkin steamed meat is delicious, with a picture of pumpkin steamed meat", it gradually became "Pope planted flowers on the balcony with me today, with a picture of a blonde and slender back", and then to "Pope has mastered wisdom". The energy machine is really awesome. With the back of the blonde girl in the kitchen, he even learned to make an expression later. "Pope said that my expression is very similar to this expression, right? The picture is a golden retriever with a sticking tongue out.
Yes, yes, yes, the captain is a spoiled wife and a madman who shows off his wife is simply hopeless!
In a word, the sudden appearance of the wife had a huge influence on the captain and was developing in a good direction. It is recommended to continue to observe, but the monitoring level will be lowered. Natasha reported to Fred that it was like this.
"Why is there also a signature of the conson below?" Fury frowned with a big bald head.
"Because in order to thank Mr. Conson for his help, Pope sent him an exclusive set of photos of the captain, plus a to sign." Natasha left the director a handsome back and took the elevator downstairs. On the way, he happened to meet the captain who changed his clothes and came out, holding his mobile phone and making a phone call. Steve nodded to Natasha, who had just connected when he entered the elevator.
"Pope, I'm coming back. Do you need anything?"
"I won't get lost. I'll come back by myself."
"You can't eat that. I read on the Internet that it's unhealthy."
"Then you can only eat a little."
"Okay, hang up."
Natasha: ... I'll go to you. Mom's Jerry cookies!
The captain who ended the phone put the mobile phone in the pocket of his jacket with satisfaction. It happened that the elevator also reached the underground parking lot.
"Balenciaga's new jacket, captain, your wife is very tasteful." Natasha kept smiling, "When will you introduce us?"
"Her appreciation level is very good." Steve hesitated for a moment, "I have to go back and ask her."
The melon-eating agents around him typed crazily in the agent's private chat group: The captain's wife is a tigress! Ah, ah, ah!
In a word, a month after Popper's appearance, the whole situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that the captain's wife was back, and that the captain spoiled his wife so much that he was a big vinegar tank (not) and a female tiger (no), and the captain was obedient. Although a lot of female agents and male agents (...) sighed, Steve didn't know. On his way home, he wore a hat as usual, but with a different mood, full of expectation and happiness.
He came back early today. When he entered the door, his wife was sleeping on the sofa wearing a thin blanket. There was a noisy entertainment program on TV. Steve heard the sound of the kitchen steam top pot lid. He closed the door softly, went into the kitchen to turn off the fire, and squatted in front of her and looked at her carefully.
Soft and smooth golden hair, curly eyelashes, small and straight nose, and slightly raised corners of her mouth even when sleeping. She lay on the sofa with her cheeks squeezed, a little like a child and a similar personality, but it protects her beloved one many times.
Steve looked at her gently and couldn't help but come up and put his hand in. In her hair, she gently branded a kiss on her forehead: "I love you, Poppe."
[Conditions are met, break away.]
The temperature in his hand suddenly disappeared. Steve looked at the empty sofa and said blankly, "Pope?"
Popé woke up in a daze. Hearing this, he grabbed Steve's hand in horror, but grabbed it empty. There was already a white fog around him.
"alpha? Have I left?"
[Yes, Poppe, the conditions have been met.]
"Can I go back? I don't want to leave him." The girl who turned black hair and black eyes sat on the ground with no energy at all.
[I'm sorry, Pope, but you can choose to return to the world of Captain America after the mission is completely completed. I will save the node when you leave. When you choose to go back, time will flow from when you leave.] The Persian cat circled around her and swept her legs with its plush tail. Popé bent down and picked it up.
"But I don't have the energy to go to the next world."
[Yes, that's what I want to say, Pope, push the door in front of you.] The white fog dispersed, and a transparent door appeared in front of Poppe. She could see the fog behind her through the "door". She reached out and pushed it away, but it was another world and walked in with alpha in her arms.
The room is round, with a soft single sofa in the middle, surrounded by vertical glass cabinets, which looks a bit like a coffin. She went to the only cabinet where something existed and found that she was stored in it. To be precise, it was herself in Captain America's world.
[After getting the energy, I opened up here. After each mission is over, you can come back here to rest. And your body in various worlds will be stored here when you don't use it. The time flow in the cabinet is stopped, so it can return to the time node.]
[That's right...] Alpha is a little hesitant [Pope, can I extract your memory first and then explain it?]
"Will I remember nothing?" She returned to the center and sat on the soft single sofa. She had no feeling, but she was too tired to speak.
[No, after I extract my memory, I will store it in your body of the corresponding world. You only feel that this period is a movie you watched three months ago. It has an impression but is very vague. This... is also for the smooth progress of the task.]
Popper nodded in agreement. She had to go on. Keeping her memory and feelings for Steve will definitely make her next mission fail. A few pink glowing threads rushed out from the top of Poppe's head. After hovering a few times, it penetrated the glass cabinet and entered Poppe Rogers' body.
Pope gradually felt different. Her abundant feelings for Steve went away with those silk threads, and she could only vaguely remember some clips of getting along with each other. Alpha observed her reaction to see if she was uncomfortable.
[Are you all right?]
"It's okay, alpha, you keep talking. What's the energy?" Pope reached out and began to pet the cat. She was a little different from the one she started. Even if she had lost her memory, she hasn't realized it yet.
[My ability comes from the love of the world's pillar characters for you. With energy, I can send you through time and space, or give you a certain talent. In short, I can do a lot of things. At the beginning of Captain America's world, I was about to dry up, so there are few people who can help you, but the next world will be improved.]
"Are you the only one system? Where are you from?"
[Yes, I'm unique.] Alpha jumped off her leg and sat looking at her, looking seriously like a little gentleman. [Sorry, I can't tell you yet.]
"Okay, buddy." Pope smiled and squatted down to hold the alpha's meat pad. "Happy cooperation."
[Pope, don't pinch my claws.]
"Can I change the layout here? This looks like some laboratory doing evil experiments. Poppe didn't listen to it, picked it up and looked around.
[Yes, what do you want to change?]
"Do you have paper and pen?" Pope lay on the table concoated by alpha and painted. "Here is a bookshelf, here is the bed, here is the lazy sofa, here is the coffee table, here is the soft stool, and put that row of glass cabinets! Just dim the light and change the background color to goose yellow. I also want a cello and a violin.
Popé lay in bed, and the surrounding environment looked much warmer. Alpha curled up on her belly, and the excitement of transformation left some melancholy: "Alpha, how long will it take me to finish the task?"
[It won't be long, Pope.] Alpha swallowed the system's cold "no permission inquiry" answer, and put out his tongue and licked the girl's hand.
"Thank you, alpha. Let's go to the next world."
[Okay, Pope.]

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