Chapter 3️⃣1️⃣: Gotham Addict (2)

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When Poppe saw a short pause on the man's handsome face, he raised an ambiguous smile, and lightly held her hand and gave a kiss: "Wow, it seems that Miss Lucent knows me very well. I'm really flattered."

Mrs. Layton took her husband's arm. She was a little chubby, but she looked very kind. She was squeezing at Pope's eyebrows: "Pope, this is Mr. Bruce Wayne, who took the cello. Maybe you can go to the garden for a walk. You know, it's always easy for young people to find topics.

"Honey, you are still very young." Mr. Layton took his wife's hand and opened his mouth with sweet words. By the way, he blinked at Bruce and hinted.

"I don't know if I have this honor?" Bruce's body is not as noble as the ordinary rich second generation, mixed with his unruly temperament. When he makes a affectionate look, it is really charming. At this moment, he stretches out his arm and looks at the beautiful girl in front of him with a smile.

Poppe took his arm and wrapped his muscles with terrible strength under her high-dressed suit. She smiled again, looking at him with gentle and lively, lead-gray eyes, as if not surprised that the fun-loving playboy had such a good figure: "Okay."

The courtyard is very large, and the winding path is interspersed in the middle of the vegetation. On both sides of the road are ornamental plants carefully trimmed by gardeners. Through the two-meter-high plant wall, no one can see who walks. What's more, the party scene is very lively now, and the people in the courtyard is even more rare. They are walking in this quiet night.

"Miss Lucent, what's so special about the cello? I didn't even know that a piano could be so high at such a high price. Wayne's tone is frivolous, perfectly recompting an ignorant slut, so that it is easy to anger music lovers.

Poppe pretended not to see the small headphones in his ear, and he was not angry. He took his hand and walked forward slowly and looked at him with a smile: "Do you want to give it to me?"

"..." I didn't expect that the beautiful girl would suddenly ask this question. Bruce Baby was stunned and immediately smiled. "Of course, this piano should be given to a better collector."

"Thank you." Poppe nodded, and a fluttering blue butterfly flew past their eyes. She looked at the elf with a very soft expression, "That's a flash butterfly. Do you see the pattern on the wings?"

Bruce knew that he should be vigilant now, but she was like a dream in front of her, emitting a faint soft light and slowly talking to him with gentleness and kindness.

"You don't need to laugh, Mr. Wayne." Her eyes returned to the handsome man beside her and saw his frivolous smile disappear. She subconsciously frowned. Her smile remained unchanged. "You don't need to provoke me. I do have special ability, but I don't want to do bad things with it."

"What is your purpose?" Wayne was slowly walked in the quiet night by her. The bright and gorgeous buildings gradually disappeared behind him. The street lights shone on the two figures, and the halo projected layers of waves in the shade of the trees.

"Mr. Wayne, do you know that the works of Gustav Klimt will be exhibited at the Metropolitan Art Museum Exhibition at 7 p.m. three days later?" She lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled like butterflies. "Maybe you can find the answer under Kiss. As for now, we will say goodbye to you tonight after we finish this road.

At the end of the road, there was already a black car waiting for Poppe. Bruce helped her pull the door. She sat in and pressed the window, revealing her perfect face: "Mr. Wayne, could you please bend down a little?"

"..." Bruce wanted to bring up an ambiguous smile, but he saw the girl's bright eyes. He was too lazy to dress up and bent down close to the window. A white hand stretched out and gently touched his eyebrows, like a drop of early spring rain falling into the calm lake. "Mr. Wayne, don't regard me as a mystery. In front of you, I'm red. The true sme is like white paper.

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