Chapter 3️⃣0️⃣: Gotham Addict (1)

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Bruce Wayne is dreaming.
This dream lasted for more than 20 years. In his dream, he was always a child, wearing a black mourning dress. Ah Fu led him forward. Behind him was his parents' coffin. The people around him were dark, and the sky was dim and stretched to the whole world. When he saw the cemetery, he broke away Ah Fu's hand like crazy, and ran into the woods alone.
He ran crazily, the scenery flew by on both sides, and everything was vague and gloomy. Bruce stepped in the air and fell into the dark cave. He knew that he would soon see the bats in the cave. They would spread their wings and fly towards him, in groups of boundless, as if there was no end around him.
These bats sometimes take him to the exit of the cave, and sometimes devour his body. He dreamed of it too many times. In this child's body, there was an old soul, numb and gloomy, open and closed, and kept silent forever.
But today is different. A butterfly appeared. It didn't seem to belong to this gray and gloomy world. It fanned its transparent wings, and the flying orbit fell golden light. It flew around the little boy and finally stopped between his outstretched fingers, shaking the butterfly wings.
Everything around him faded, leaving only the light emitted by the living spirit between his fingers, illuminating his surroundings. There were no endless bats, no black funerals, and no quiet woods. He stayed in the dark, hugged the little boy from behind with both hands, and surrounded him gently, calm and quiet.
Bruce's consciousness gradually blurred. He suddenly couldn't tell whether he was still in the never-ending dream. The butterfly between his fingers shook the contacts and slowly flew into his eyebrows.
The little boy who always lived in the same dark dream really fell asleep.
"Young master, I hope you haven't forgotten the board meeting at four o'clock in the afternoon. You know, it's already three o'clock." Alfred held the tray and smoothly opened the thick velvet curtains. The light shone into the dark living room. Bruce on the luxury bed squinted at Afu's fake smile and sat up.
The slipping blanket reveals a strong male body, scarred but hidden terrible power. These beautiful muscles can't be trained in the gym, but have to experience thrilling fights and confrontations again and again.
Bruce Wayne's face was as handsome as if he had been kissed by God. At this time, he was sitting by the bedside, and the sun was shining on him. No one in the world would deny his charm, even if he always had a melancholy breath.
Unfortunately, another person present did not care. Instead, he rolled his eyes at the wayward young master in his heart. However, Alfred, who was well-educated, just kept a fake smile, put the tray at the head of the bed, and quickly and elegantly went to get his already prepared suit.
Bruce took up the glass of water and his eyes were heavy: "Afu, I want to get the information of Pope Lucent as soon as possible."
"With all due respect, Master Bruce." Ah Fu stopped and smiled with interest. "The way to pursue a girl does not include investigating her in advance."
"Afu--" Bruce, as always, had no choice but to take his omnipotent housekeeper, and his expressionless face showed helplessness. "You know I didn't mean that."
"Okay, but doesn't the old man even have the right to dream?" A Fu whispered to himself, then hung up a gentleman's smile and handed the clothes to the young master. "Tonight, the charity auction party held by the Rayton family will start at eight o'clock. One of the items is from the Italian cello producer Patrick Paul. I believe Miss Lucent will be very interested."

"Eight o'clock is not the time when Batman appears." Bruce put on his suit and took the tablet handed to him by Ah Fu to look at the relevant information about the auction. There were small but deep creases in his eyebrows. He often frowned with no expression, leaving this trace.
Afu smiled and looked at Bruce, and his kind expression seemed to be looking at an older child with a defective IQ... "Of course, Batman can't, but Bruce Wayne has an invitation."
"...Let's go, Ah Fu." Bruce... The old man was very sure that Ah Fu's bad taste came again. He took the invitation in Ah Fu's hand and waved to the garage. He sat in the Maserati global limited sports car and looked carefully at the invitation, with empty patterns and gilded letters, which showed the importance the host valued the guests everywhere.
He opened the treasure introduction on the back. Generally, only the rarest collection will appear on the invitation letter, and the beautiful cello is in it. Bruce threw it to the co-pilot, started the engine, and drove away from Wayne Manor.
When did you first notice Poppe Lucent?
It was the new cover girl who sat in his car and smiled seductively at him affectionately. The next development should be that they returned to his temporary residence, lingered all night, and then left separately.
Of course, if there is no sudden play of Pope Lucent's new album on the street.
When the first note sounded, the sexy girl's affectionate eyes completely changed. She didn't even take her bag. The passers-by who also heard music on the street shouted excitedly and rushed into the video store: "The goddess's album came out! Sudden!! God, I'm greed to hear it!"
"Oh, my God, if I miss the pre-sale and can't get special benefits, I'm going to hell. After all, I heard that there is a Poppe's exclusive. Make a picture!"
"Really?! Oh, my God, my God! Buy ten!"
The final ending was that Brossy Baby opened a limited edition Lamborghini. In the voice of the clerk that "limited people can only buy two", she was dumped away by the beauty who was supposed to spend the night together for the inexplicable reason of "I have to go back to listen to my goddess's new work", and returned to Wayne Manor with a bouquet of roses.
Bruce Wayne is not interested in many things. He is like a stone at the bottom of the pool, cold and gloomy, but not being interested does not mean that he does not have the ability to appreciate and appreciate music.
Therefore, at the end of tonight's night tour, before returning to the Bat Cave, he asked Ah Fu to play this album with only five pure music.
It's the sound of the harp. One quiet late night, the moonlight was bright. He walked alone by the seaside. The sea was dark and surging, and the fog gathered and dissipated on the sea, and finally returned to his distant hometown. He listened quietly, the waves beat the beach regularly, and lay down. Looking up, he saw that the stars all over the sky fell into the world. A star fell from the top of his head, burning his last light and heat, cutting through the silent night and falling into the sea.
It stopped abruptly.

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