Chapter Five: Fairytale//The Sticks

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Fairytale - Livingston

The Sticks - Mother Mother

((TW: Violence, curses, abuse))

If there was a place that embodied coziness, it was certainly The Three Broomsticks. The warmth of the crackling fireplace was almost enough to put one instantly at ease. When combined with the soft chatter of patrons, and a large mug of butterbeer, it was close to heaven.

And the company was even more divine.

Sirona had taken a moment to sit with me between customers to catch up on how classes were going. Since the troll attack of my first year, she considered me a friend and ally, and of course, I couldn't have agreed more. I appreciated her for who she was and was always grateful for her conversation.

However it didn't go unnoticed that she was trying to take a closer look at my business. She was quick to ask why I hadn't been around yet this year. Two months of the school year had already flown by but I hadn't wanted to leave the castle until now because of the whole stalker situation.

Not that I would divulge that to her, even if her concern came from a good place.

"It's so nice to see you again, my young friend." Sirona patted my hand as she sat a mug of butterbeer down before taking the seat just opposite of me.

"It has been too long," I agreed with her, with a half smile.

I gripped the mug as I stared off in the other direction. I knew where Sirona's conversation with me would go, and I wasn't sure how to go about skirting around that topic and the guilt I would feel for lying to her.

I wished that Poppy was here to help mitigate the conversation so that it didn't get too personal. But she'd wanted to stop by Ollivander's before meeting me here, claiming she had a chip in her wand. She tried to put the blame on poor Highwing. I didn't quite believe it, but I'm sure the nosey bird would've picked her wand from the pockets of her robe if it were irritated at Poppy for not paying attention to her.

It was amusing and I couldn't help but laugh as I waved her across the way, promising I would wait patiently for her.

"Are you going to tell me where you've been hiding then? You look as if something is eating you alive." Sirona's voice was soft as she spoke. Again, the guilt latched on a little tighter.

It was hard to hide your feelings from someone whose profession was much like that of a therapist, only with a little more booze involved.

"It's my final year, I have so much to study for. I fell behind in a few classes, so I will admit, I'm stressing out a bit. I want to make sure I ace my O.W.L.s this year and become a full fledged witch and all that." I tried to give her my most convincing smile.

"I'm sure you will do fine." If she didn't believe me, she gave nothing away. Sirona simply patted my hand, but the smile she wore slipped a bit."You've got a good head on your shoulders."

"How has business been here?" I asked, taking a sip of my butterbeer. I was grateful she didn't press any further as I was eager to shift the conversation. But the unease in her face didn't go unnoticed, and it made me wonder if it was I who needed to press her.

"It's been a little more quiet than usual." Sirona began to rise out of her chair but I grabbed her wrist.

She wasn't being forthcoming with me about whatever was bothering her. I supposed it was fair that she didn't want to, considering I'd lied to her myself.

"You're not telling me something." I said flatly as my gaze met hers.

I chastised myself - Sirona didn't owe me an answer. But if something was going on, I had to know. I wanted to help, especially if it was somehow connected to what was happening back at Hogwarts.

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