Bonus Chapter: Sebastian POV Chapter 30

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((This was a treat for a lovely friend of mine, who also just LOVES Sebastian and his boots.)) 

"Merlin, at fucking last you figured it out." He said, though he had to admit he was quite bewildered that she'd figured it out so quickly. The charm had been simple, though the actual incantations had been a pain to piece together given that the book had become quite rotten when he'd pulled it from the casket of some forgotten wizard.

She had been fighting him with all she had through the eternity of their night, but after what he had researched it should've taken even the most seasoned wizards a few days to break free.

There was still so much resolve in the shadows of her brilliant little mind, he just wished that she could suss them out as he did. Though, he wanted to shed light on them for a much different reason.

Sebastian wanted to replace each shadow of her mind with an idea, something so simple that he never understood why she denied him.

That she belonged to him. That Sebastian was the only thing she needed.

He smiled when he watched Hyacinth attempt to leave the bed. But that cute little bond that he'd created pulled her back down onto the bed.

"Oh, don't be like that." Sebastian groaned at her.

She could be so difficult sometimes and it drove him absolutely mad.

However the way her face scrunched up in confusion made his cock twitch. Sebastian watched as his favorite little toy tried to put two and two together, her eyes trailing along the now tattered string that connected them. When her violet eyes flicked up to him, he smiled and pulled her back down onto the bed with him.

Though, it was only to have her straddle him, which he quite enjoyed.

His eyes trailed up the expanse of her naked flesh, which he could just make out in the flickering candle light along with those haunting eyes of hers.

Sebastian watched in the light of the faux sun that began to rise as she took notice of the lack of clothing. She knew she'd gone to sleep in a cute little night gown, which Sebastian had taken great care in removing. Though there was a temptation to the little scrap of fabric that clung to her prettier bits, he had restrained himself.

Fucking her in her sleep, physically anyway, would've been against his own set of moral integrity. And how would he be able to see her pout when she begged him to stop if she was too asleep to fight him?

"You bastard, did you-" Sebastian didn't bother to silence her, though what she insinuated made him quite angry. He might've been after pleasuring her, but he had always been about choice.

Imagining the pout on her lips, despite a haughty moan that would undoubtedly escape from her gaped lips made his cock twitch beneath her. He watched as Hyacinth's mouth shut itself completely when the pulsing tip of himself pressed into the slickness of her folds.

Not so talkative now, are you, little slut? He bit back a chuckle as he took the throbbing length of himself in his hand.

Hyacinth always became so compliant where his cock was involved, and so he took great pleasure in swiping it through her pussy.

And when he lined the head of it to her heated core, he delighted in the sound of her breath hitching as he slowly slid inside of her.

It was rapture every time Sebastian sunk himself inside of her, and it was no different now as he pressed upwards into her pussy. It was a heavenly feeling that wrapped itself around him, nearly as tight as she did. He could feel every muscle inside of her clenching him so fucking tightly.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now