Chapter Eleven: These Things

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These Things - She Wants Revenge

I was a mad woman. Completely and utterly mental.

I had been staring at Sebastian's journal for nearly an hour, debating whether I should scribble hateful words into it or not. It was the only means of communication I had with that sick son of a bitch.

And somehow the journal itself felt just as evil as him. It was mocking me.

It was making fun of me just by sitting there on my bed. It knew how badly I wanted to write in it and anxiously awaited the horde of horrible things I would scribble on its pages as I cursed its owner.

The journal craved my hatred.

The damn thing knew its owner was evil, vile, and cruel. It knew it was of the same ilk. It begged me to open it as it was just as desperate as I was to speak to Sebastian.

"Dammit." I wanted to chuck it into the fire and just forget it. It would be better off being burnt to a crisp in the fireplace than sitting here causing me so much trouble.

What Sebastian had done was unforgivable. And even if he never saw it, or it was petty or childish, he would read what I had to say.

Reluctantly, I sat down on the bed and began to write.

"Sebastian Sallow is a sick, sadistic freak."

I wrote nearly thirty lines before all the ink disappeared from the page.

That should get my point across, I thought, as I waited for his response to appear.

"Precious girl, you loved it."

I had the journal back in my hands in an instant, ready to throw it into the hearth.

Sebastian knew I had figured out it was him pretending to be Ominis last night. Of course he knew it wouldn't take me long - he'd always made a point to say how clever I was.

I had to fight the heat rising inside me as I recalled the events of that night.

There was too much shame and lust and it drove me insane. I had believed the man I had been so intimate with was Ominis. Only unbridled anger consumed me when I learned it had been Sebastian in disguise. He had most likely used a polyjuice potion to make his way into my bed.

It had been Sebastian's fucking leg I'd made a mess all over. Not Ominis'. I wasn't sure that made it any better.

The fireplace is only a few feet away. It wouldn't take any effort to throw the journal into it, I told myself. It would keep me warm for a while.

"You disgust me." I wrote, unable to help myself.

"Yet you came for me, didn't you? Do you not remember the mess you made all over me, despite the fact that I had not even touched your sweet little pussy?"

I blinked twice.

Maybe I could light the book on fire then do the same to myself.

"I came for Ominis." I responded with a smug little smile. I hoped those four little words would cut like a dagger and deflate his ego accordingly. I wanted it to become a sad little puddle of nothing - that's what he deserved.

Confirming my suspicion, the page had remained blank for a good long while.

I had gotten under his skin and that made me smile. Sebastian deserved a taste of his own sick and twisted medicine, which was a bitter thing indeed.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now