Chapter Forty: Son of Nyx

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"And what did we say about snooping?" Sebastian's laugh whispered against my ear, and every part of my skin raised up in response. His breath was so warm, just as warm as the body that hovered just above me.

After the incident with Black, I hadn't wasted time in pressing Sebastian about what was going on the first moment he came to see me. He'd gotten no more than a very lengthy kiss and a tumble onto the bed before I started to grill him about Black's involvement with the Court.

"It's not snooping, it's concern for another's well being. Have you tried that?" I asked, making sure he noted every ounce of sarcasm. It was somehow less terrifying to push his buttons, and I didn't hesitate to do so.

It reminded me of the same back and forth conversations we'd have as fifth years. The kind that lasted for hours, and came with laughter and an occasional frown.

The kind that was easy.

"I still say you're being quite the busy body..." Sebastian's teeth clamped down on my neck for a moment, just as his knee settled between my thighs. I sucked in a breath as his mouth let go of that skin, his tongue licking a stripe against the stinging flesh.

"So why should you care for these 'others' when we've seen where that gets you?" He asked as he pressed his leg a little harder, and I couldn't stop myself from grinding against the friction he offered me.

"How could I not, when you won't tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked breathily, still playing our game of heated banter.

But Sebastian's mouth paused against my skin, stilling completely until he finally pulled back to look at me. When my eyes met his, I found that he'd lost the lustful warmth that had filled them when he first arrived. That had been a look that made my knees buckle.

All of that warmth had been frozen over with something solid and absolute. Something unwavering.

"Hyacinth." It was a warning he was giving me. A choice to either press harder and suffer the consequences of it, or let it go and go back to the part where he was trying to fuck me.

I sighed, because the little voice inside of me was demanding for that fire between my legs to be stoked by him. I'd give into that silent command, but I hoped the look I gave him conveyed every bit of what I felt.

You're lucky that I ache for you to be inside of me.

There were so many things that were deeper than that sexual need, though. Things I wanted to say that laid so deep in my heart that I had to dig to find them.

Show me how to let you trust me, Sebastian. How do I trust you with all of me, when I barely trust you?

How do I trust you with more than just my body?

I didn't know what he saw, but it was enough for him to decide that this part of his visit was over. Sebastian's eyes raked over my face one last time before he pushed himself off the bed, standing closer to the mirror on my dresser.

I frowned as I watched him adjust the cuffs of his sleeves, before adjusting the matter I was more concerned with.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching his face through the mirror. I couldn't read his expression and his eyes still seemed so cold and distant.

But I could see something racing behind those frigid, woodsy eyes. It was like I wasn't the only one who had unspoken things on their chest.

Watching him war internally with himself made my stomach clench. I wish I knew how to get through to him, to make him trust me without relinquishing control of every part of me.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now