Chapter Twenty Six: one more time // Stretch Your Eyes

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"Almost like new again." Sebastian's voice was just as pleasant as the hand he was using to palm the fleshy bit of my ass. It still very much ached, despite the amount of detailed wand work he'd used to close the open wounds. In my sleepiness, I suspected he may have left some evidence of his labor. Though he wanted to fix what he broke, I knew there would be some satisfaction he would find in the lingering picture of a job well done.

Though, in this state I wasn't inclined to argue. I enjoyed the way those rough fingers felt over that raw skin. It was the only thing keeping me grounded here, in the world of consciousness, and I wasn't quite ready for this tender version of Sebastian to leave just yet.

"Mm," Was the only response I could muster, given that the entirety of my body had become a gelatinous thing. It swam in endless oceans made of warm, gooey lust topped with sprinkles of sleepiness.

Sebastian's finger tips traced the outlines of the fading welts, coaxing me further into that relaxed state. They were slow, methodical strokes as he continued to rub a healing salve onto the skin, and though I knew the intent was to heal... it was riling up something more pressing between my legs once more.

I was surprised to find that my body writhed, ever just so slightly, under each caress of the balm. I was aching in ways that I knew I would berate myself for the next morning, and yet, I wanted a little more of him to taste. Just a tiny little bite to save for later, to soothe over the shame that would come crashing down when I took in the full extent of what happened in the Undercroft tonight.

I knew that regret would turn that jelly feeling in my bones to stone when the sun came up, so I would enjoy every spoonful of it now as I lounged in that sea of buttery depravity.

Sebastian's finger ran further down, now tracing into the thighs that shivered against the stickiness of the salve. He explored the bit of skin that had known its own kind of blissful pain, and as he did there was a viscous fever settling into my belly. He pressed into it, earning a sigh from me as he rubbed the gel over what I was sure was the outlines of his penmanship. The hands that had abused and defiled me within an inch of my life felt so good against that tender skin.

"Y'thinking?" My lips barely moved across the pillow where my face was planted, and I was past the point of caring for how silly I might've sounded. I had traveled one too many times to that universe of euphoria, tonight. I had danced in the shadows between its stars, unraveling myself in a dance with them that had spun my head around until I feared my neck would snap.

I could spare myself a little bit of my own dignity as I attempted to ask what he was thinking about.

Sebastian pressed his thumb a little harder into that bruised thigh, causing a whimper to tumble out behind those broken words. He painted a pretty good picture of what was going on in that mind of his as he stroked the same digit across my skin.

"I'm thinking that I like hurting you, little savior." His voice was a whisper full of wicked intent, as that same finger began to ascend from the lower bit of my thigh. It swiped a lazy trail upwards, just until the tiniest bit of his fingertip grazed through the tender, wet folds of my slit.

I wished that I'd had enough strength to spread my thighs for him as my body shivered against that touch. I would've begged him to show me exactly what was playing out in his head if I could do more than only whine and tremble.

"I'm also thinking that I've underestimated how greedy you've become." Sebastian sighed as he withdrew his fingers away from where I'd become inflamed with desire. He gave my ass one final squeeze instead, before the bed shifted and the weight of his pressure with him, before stepping away from me.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now