Chapter Twenty: Vigilante Shit / sugarbread

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((CW: torture))

Certainly Sebastian had indeed been none the wiser about our plans, or I wouldn't be knee deep in cold, murky ocean water right now.

"You're sure this is it?" I asked as we trudged through the muddy coast. We had no choice tonight but to wade through the shallows of the beach, which was becoming wetter by the second. The tide seemed to roll further up into land with each wave as we walked on.

I almost wished he'd bloody known. What I would give to be at the mercy of Sebastian's wrathful retribution.

At least I'd be fucking warm.

"For the third time Hattie, I know where we are going." Natty's reply came in the form of a hiss as she shot a glance behind me. I frowned at her, shivering against the frigid wind before pulling my robes tighter around my body.

"What's got you so tense tonight? You've been scowling ever since we left the castle." Another huff came from her as she walked ahead of me with her skirts in hand.

"Is there a problem?" I hadn't expected that kind of question from her, though I had been quite fussy with her this evening. I had almost wanted to give up this entire endeavor altogether.

"It's just freezing out here." I only could give her that. If Natty knew the true reason, she might have drowned me in the shallow tide.

Not that I would've blamed her, I thought with a sniffle.

There was certainly some solid reasoning in being mildly unsettled by the fact that I'd just been tied up in my own bed, shortly before meeting her. Perhaps a frown would be fairly appropriate when she learned that my assailant had been a known dark wizard, one who Natty had made adamantly clear she hated.

A sigh of disappointment would be semi-fitting when I explained that said dark wizard had been between my thighs offering me the universe and all of its oddities with every stroke of his tongue.

Indeed, an idea to be disturbed over for sure. Though I wasn't sure if I completely shared that sentiment, as I edged myself between the proverbial line of right and fucked up.

The only notion that I could get onboard with would be the one where Natty cast me out into the sea, after she'd learned about the struggle I'd had just before our rendezvoused on the southern coast. Drowning seemed most agreeable, over explaining the lengths I'd taken, and how creative I'd had to get with apperating.

I could already feel the sting in my gut, a metamorphic knife to hacking at whatever pride I had left, when she learned I'd not even been armed with my wand.

The water I would inhale deeply into my lungs was quite tempting, if not borderline delicious in my now dry mouth.

The thought of Natty looking me in the eye as I explained that I'd traumatized Imelda with that fun little apparition, and had pleaded her into untying me, made me want to expire.

No, not just expire.

I would have preferred to have sunk to the bottom of the ocean if it meant I didn't have to elucidate how I convinced poor Imelda to never open her mouth again.

Natty would be horrified to learn that I'd convinced Imelda, so much as I had Obliviated Imelda.

Regrettably, that self loathing part of myself would have to just have to deal with it. The only thing that would lie at the bottom of the sea tonight would be the pretend conversation I'd had with Natty, and all of the embarrassment I'd endured to get here.

Much to my chagrin, however, there was at least one incessant thing that wouldn't sink as easily as the others did. And that was of the gentle weight that had anchored itself around not only my neck, but my mind.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now