Chapter Thirteen: Devil's Son

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Devil's Son - India Lake

(TW: smut ahead, degredation and CNC)

I didn't make it any further from the spot I'd turned my heel on. A firm body had slammed into me, seemingly from the darkness, and knocked the air out of me. I couldn't scream or even let out a single curse as my head spun while I recoiled, my lungs already burning with the lack of oxygen.

All I could feel was the tightness of their grip around my wrists as they were forced over my head and back against the wall of the hallway.

Who the fuck-

Something warm wrapped itself around my wrists, binding them together and tightly locking them to the wall above my head.

"Didn't I just get done telling you to stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong?" It wasn't a stranger that let out a throaty laugh next to my ear. My skin crawled as Sebastian's teeth grazed one of my ears before he turned my face to meet his in the dark.

"You're a glutton for punishment aren't you, sweet little savior?" He asked as his breath fanned over my face. He stepped a little closer, pressing his body tight to mine. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest as he tugged on my earlobe with his teeth, his tongue not far behind the light sting.

Sebastian was here to make good on the thought I had weeks ago - he would make it hurt.

"Let-" I tried to yell but my throat felt so dry. "Let me go!"

I frantically writhed in the charmed restraints as I fought the fear inside me. No one was going to hear my pathetic attempt at screaming and come help me.

Any potential help would be too busy with the commotion in the ballroom and whatever caused the scream I had heard - not mine. My cries were nothing more than the sad squeak of a mouse caught in a trap.

No one would save me.

"That's right, sweetheart." Sebastian's hand gripped my face harder as his mouth whispered against my lips. "Cry for me."

I couldn't fight as Sebastian's lips crashed into mine. It was not a nice thing - his kiss was hard and demanding, insisting on my participation as his mouth consumed mine with its heat. I wanted to shake my head, move my lips, or bite down on his hard enough to make him bleed - he couldn't get away with this.

It shouldn't have been this easy for Sebastian to touch me. This was not the Room of Requirement and he wasn't in disguise this time. He wasn't a phantom voice in a book miles away either.

All the ground rules I'd set for myself for when I'd be face to face with him had been erased from the rule book. There were no longer any rules that allowed me to fight back or maim, curse, or kill him.

With Sebastian in front of me, the only rule left was to survive.

I couldn't decide if that terrified me to my bones or excited the hell out of me.

While I feebly tried to twist out of Sebastian's grip, the leather of his gloves dug deeper into my cheeks. He pulled his lips further away and I could just make out his dark eyes searching my face as his breath kissed my gaped lips.

"Stop pretending you hate this, Hyacinth." Sebastian whispered before he nipped at my lower lip. I whined in response but that only made him smile.

"Why bother fighting me at all given these games you play with me?" He chuckled darkly. "Like following me down a dark hallway when you should be out there, dancing with your date."

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now