Chapter Forty Eight : You're a Coward and I Know

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I knew that what I was doing was nothing short of blatantly stupid.

However I knew that what Sebastian had done was completely intolerable.

So it only made sense that I made sure he faced the consequences of his actions.

No matter how fucking stupid it was.

That ire was my life line as I crept through the top floor of Sebastian's estate. It was set up almost identically to Erebus' castle. The center of the grand home was filled with a lavish rose garden, and I now had my answer to where all those damn roses had come from. The upper floor wasn't walled up from it either, an intricate iron railing separating me from taking a tumble into a plethora of rose bushes.

The hallway corridors were lined with candles, the soft sound of rain pittering around me as I continued to inch my way through the shadows of the halls. It was beautiful, almost serene.

But everytime I allowed myself to relax, all I could see in my mind were a set of dark, feral eyes hidden in a dimly lit room. Eyes that roamed over my nearly naked body as my thighs trembled as I had taken in the sight of his hand around his cock. When my mind slipped into that memory, it was drawn to the motion of his hand, which stroked him so fast I could hardly keep up with it.

It was remembering that his hand had been covered in blood, which I hoped was his, and that hadn't stopped him from pleasuring himself.

It seemed like it had only made it more enjoyable for him.

Sebastian had lost himself so thoroughly in the throes of that pleasure that he had come undone. In the moonlight that seemed to shine only for him, I saw how his brows had knitted themselves together just as I felt his cum spurt onto my stomach.

I paused my movements for a moment, as a set of Court members passed by. Everyone here seemed to keep their mask tight around their faces, too cowardly to let others know who they truly were.

As I waited, I was wracked with that image of Sebastian. How it stirred things inside of my belly that made my clothes feel too tight, too hot. I wished that I was simply getting sick, that the churning feeling was nothing more than nausea.

It would've made everything so much easier.

It would've been easier to digest that Sebastian had invaded my personal space that night. Perhaps even easier to swallow how he had taken advantage of me in such a private, intimate moment.

An intimate moment where Sebastian took up every inch of a very erotic dream.

One that I hadn't hesitated indulging in, especially as I had believed the Sebastian I had seen in my room was nothing more than a dream.

So, yes, I had an erotic dream.

Yes, I had been more than happy to help myself while it played out.

So it just happened to be about Sebastian.

That was absolutely besides the point.

The human subconscious is an unexplainable, ineffable thing. If there was any reasoning to it, it was that Sebastian was truly the only sexual partner I had that I enjoyed. He had pushed me to new heights, brought me to new lows that dipped into depravity.

Those thoughts were always drawn to him and I had no say where they were involved. My mind enjoyed frolicing through the memories of his fingers inside of me, his tongue in my mouth - and I was solely at the mercy of my deranged dreams.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now