Chapter Forty Nine: Rain

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I could not do this without the support I've recieved from readers here and on Ao3, and those from the Hogwarts Legacy Discord. ♥

We're getting closer to the end of the story (so far) and it feels bitter sweet. 

Tw: Blood play, slight mention of gore, bondage, Dommy Hattie


Sebastian's kiss wasn't something as simple as lips to lips, hot gasps and soft moans. It was something harsh, something more feral.

Sebastian wasn't just kissing me - he was consuming me.

With that greedy mouth, he used his breath to increase the heat in my own mouth. His tongue was just added kindling, sending sparks of electric fire down my throat until it sat in the depths of my belly. I ignored the clashing of teeth, the desperate movements of our bodies that sought out each other.

The only thing that existed in the haziness of my mind was how I ached to let Sebastian devour every inch of my mouth. I craved the sensation of giving in to him, though I knew even if I gave him everything I had to offer it would never be enough.

In his mouth I could hear the silent demands, the ones that were hungry for more. I answered them with my own, quietly letting him have everything I could possibly offer him. I would give it all until I was nothing but dust and ash, surrounded by the rose garden.

My body had been so taught with the emotions that had possessed it. There had been such a strain inside of me that I hadn't noticed until now, when Sebastian eased it with every stroke of his tongue. Being near him washed everything away with the rain, and I hoped to never see those ugly emotions again.

It had been jealousy, rage, selfishness, and dejection.

And they had all been for the wrong reasons. I knew that there would be guilt that would linger, like a stain on my heart that would take years to scrub off. I would take my time by making it right with Sebastian until it was clean.

I would hope that all of that guilt would dry up under the heat of his body.

"Tell me," I hoped that it sounded like words despite the breathy nature of my voice. It was hard to pull away from him, but there was something that was dying for one last thing from him.

I had already asked so much of him, and he had seen to forgive me well enough to touch me. To kiss me. To want me.

I should have felt guilty for this, not knowing what strain it could put on our mending relationship.

But I had to know.

Sebastian pulled away, just enough so that his eyes could meet mine.

"Tell me you're mine." My heart was beating frantically out of my chest as he looked at me, the rain dripping down his hair until it fell onto my heated cheeks. His gaze softened, and when I thought he would speak, his mouth dipped back down to reclaim mine.

I let him, despite the desperation for those two little words.

'I'm yours.'

I was Sebastian's, I did not have to say it or fight that admission any longer. But everything that we had gone through, all of the back and forth, all of the wanting to kill him or wanting to fuck him - I had to know.

Between all of those feelings of hatred, loathing, lust, bloodhunger, and love, there had always been one thing that remained.

It was that every part of me belonged to him.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now