Chapter Fifty: Right Here

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TW:  Painal/ Anal, object insertion, rimming, risky (like life threatening), humiliation, spitting, blood play, spanking, heavy S&D themes, cum eating, cum sharing, (kind of) ATM

Sebastian had not wasted much time in warming me when we returned to his chamber. He had used a number of charms to ensure I was dry and would hopefully not catch cold. He took his time in transferring some of them to the bed and beneath the covers so that when he pulled me into them, I was wrapped in something that felt like heaven. The tenderness that lingered in his eyes as he pulled a blanket over me warmed my heart far more than any of the spells he'd just used.

Once again Sebastian and I had found ourselves in that strange little space in time in our relationship. It felt like a bubble, where warmth and sexuality thrived and served to keep both my body and heart warm. It was a place where only Sebastian and I existed.

But I knew how fragile that bubble was and what lay outside of it terrified me.

There would be questions that I surely would not get answers for and whether it was because of the Vow on his arm or the ice still in his heart, I would never know. And it would hurt all the same.

So I would settle for the comfort and safety of that bubble. I would not press him for more, especially after I had all but bled him out of an answer earlier. It was enough that he'd given me that small piece of him and I would clutch it to my chest forever.

I am yours, Hyacinth.

When the charms Sebastian had covered my body with subsided, that sentence alone kept me warm under the blankets until sleep had taken me.

Sebastian hadn't joined me in the bed through the night it seemed. The blankets had remained undisturbed save the space that I had taken up. Instead I found him sitting at his desk, engrossed in a book he held in one hand. In the other I could see the steam rising out of a mug that I assumed was tea.

I didn't stir too much in the bed as I took in the sight of him, watching as he did such a mundane thing as reading. I hadn't seen him like this since we had been in school together.

Now he just seemed like the smart ass school boy I had loved but all grown up. Rather than sating the curiosities that came with his youth or the obsession with finding Anne's cure, I wondered what he researched now.

All of those Curse Breaking books had to be for something, though my heart held onto the idea that it was for his twin. That would have to be another question for when the bubble finally burst.

"Good morning, Hyacinth." Sebastian said, without so much as looking away from the book. My cheeks flushed as he took a swig of his drink, his eyes never looking away from the pages.

"We've talked about staring, haven't we?" There was a soft, upward tug of his lips when he asked. I sat myself up in the bed, the warm blankets falling off around my body as I did so.

Maybe if he saw the nakedness of my body, he would be less upset about my trespass. Instead I would let him stare at me because my breasts ached for the heat of his stare. I wanted to see the fire in his eyes when hunger grew in him.

But he still did not look my way as he turned a page with his magic.

Someone was in a mood today it seemed.

"The list of things to punish you for has grown quite long." Sebastian said.

"Punish me?" I asked as I scooted closer to the edge of the bed until my feet dangled off of it. He still did not meet my gaze as I looked at him in confusion.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now