Chapter Twenty Nine: Proverbs 6:16 -19

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((Just so there is no confusion - this chapter is told from Sebastian's POV.

There is no song for this chapter, only a bible verse that sets the theme for it.

TW/CW: Mentions of gore, murder, mind break, trauma, religious themes, sexual situations))

"I would never deny you."

Certainly, there were many things that Sebastian had found himself with a distaste for over the years. He'd had plenty of time to not only compile them, but organize them in order of most offensive to ones worth killing for.

The woman that knelt before him only reminded him of six at the moment, as he recalled something Erebus had once taught him in the beginning of his service to him.

"Lost one, we must remember that the Lord most fervently hates these things..."

The sound of his Master's voice only sounded like a whisper in the back of his mind, compared to that of the crashing of the waves around him. Yet the resounding enunciation of each word spoken in that firm, yet shepherding voice only tugged on that scripture Erebus had read to him.

The very same teachings that he'd used to repair what the wicked thing before him had corrupted.

What she had completely broken.

His Master's words coming back to him at this moment meant one thing. That he was to take heed of them, because they would offer him the strength and guidance he needed in the oncoming battle that had begun between him and this forsaken, empty shell of a hero.

Sebastian would cling to them, so not as to not allow her to succeed over him.

As he looked down at Hyacinth Hills, he let that whisper guide his thoughts.

The first amongst these things was that of the haughty eyes of Hyacinth. The ones that bore into his own with their own fiery, ethereal intensity as she never wavered in her stare. It was that refusal, that ridiculous resolve that she so desperately clung to that pissed him off.

After all this time, this little delilah still believed she had the right to look him in the eyes.

Did she not know that Sebastian held her life in his hands, even at this very moment? It would only take one wrong tug of the bond he held around her neck, to twist it the wrong way around. That unyielding stare told him she was completely unaware of that.

Or perhaps, in her hubris, simply didn't think him capable of it.

That thought of course, angered him even more.

It brought back the twitchiness in his fingers he'd been trying to fight back over the past few months. It was the same feeling that ached to finish her far quicker than she deserved, everytime he looked at that beautifully wretched face of hers.

That spasming had a nature that didn't care much for the simplicity of the Killing Curse, or any other torment that would end in a swift death for her.

It wouldn't be enough for him, nor the eagerness for bloodshed that his fingertips held.

No, they both quite fancied the idea of splattering her against the solid rock beneath them, blood and flesh painting the obsidian in such an abstract way that she would be unrecognizable. Then he'd fix her, put her back together one little splintered piece at a time, just to do it again and again.

Sebastian would repeat it until Hyacinth understood that she only lived at his fucking mercy.

However, he understood that keeping her in one, somewhat put together piece, would suit his needs much better. It wouldn't do for his new favorite plaything to be completely broken.

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