Chapter Ten: Lady in the Wall

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Lady in the Wall - Danny Knutelsky

Ominis had already left by the time I woke up, and once again, I was left to deal with all my emotions on my own, including the sadness that tugged at my heart when I hadn't found him when my eyes opened. There was much I wanted to talk about once the sun had come up - it was time to come clean.

If our friendship fell apart because I told the truth, so be it. At least I would have given him the honesty he deserved.

What would break my heart in two was seeing our friendship destroyed under the weight of my selfishness and guilt and Sebastian's sick, twisted games.

Ominis had left a note on the nightstand next to me. He'd gone back to his dorm to clean up and get some rest. He'd see me in class later that day. There was no mention of what had happened nor anything that spoke to the affectionate side of him I'd enjoyed last night.

It would have to wait until later then, I sighed, as I sat up. I had to visit Poppy.

When I sat the note back down, a flash of red caught my eye as I climbed out of bed.

There, on top of my dresser, was not just a single rose - but a vase full of them.

I swallowed as I approached the dresser and let my fingers skim over the dewy petals. There was no note attached to them, but the message they conveyed rang loud and clear without it needing to be written.

It was a threat.

Sebastian knew about Ominis' visit to the Room and every bone in my body rattled under the pressure of that knowledge.

Had he watched? For how long? Had he heard Ominis' words? Did he know what I was thinking? Why - fuck.

I was getting too riled up, teetering on the verge of breaking from the fear a vase full of beautiful roses incited upon me. That was what Sebastian wanted - for me to be afraid of him and his threats.

Indeed, I was afraid for Ominis and all that Sebastian could do to him.

But it also pissed me off. I was not Sebastian's property and this weird ownership kink he had over me was no longer going to fly.

I picked up the entire vase and tossed it into the fire. I watched as those lovely petals turned to ash.

As I sat in front of the fireplace, I wondered what Sebastian would do now that he knew. Ominis had pushed directly against that silly narrative of his. He'd do more than simply break Ominis' fingers, as he had Leander's.

That was child's play - something petty, only meant to amuse him. Sebastian would be out for blood if how he'd handled the Leander situation was just a taste of his unquenchable possessiveness.

Ominis had done more than simply touch me, I thought, as I stewed in the memories of last night. He had kissed me, rubbed his body against mine, bitten and licked, and even had my breast in his hungry mouth.

I had come undone all over his leg.

Sebastian would think of a much more intricate, sadistic way to make his former friend suffer. He wouldn't stop at taking Ominis' entire hand. He would do something much worse and it made my stomach churn with worry.

Sebastian would kill him.

As the last of the roses burned away, I began to quickly dress myself. I had to hope Ominis would remain safe, at least within the castle walls. I could deal with that murderous asshat later, after I'd dealt with everything else.

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