Chapter Thirty Nine: Bible

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The first snow had fallen, and with it, it signified two things.

One, Winter break was just around the corner. I used to look forward to that, given that I would stay with Poppy and her Gran for those few weeks. It felt like being with family.

But now, it would only remain a distant memory. I would never be able to look her in the eye again.

My parents offered, but my relationship with them had always been strained. I would prefer staying in the castle to them.

Two, Erebus' arrival loomed closer, just as the clouds that were heavy with snow. When it finally came to lay claim to the land, I wasn't sure what I would do.

Would I play in it? Or remain indoors, offended by its presence?

Would I play the game of the Court - or would I refuse them?

If I denied the invitation, what would the repercussions be? They said that they would allow me to make my own choice, but that letter had been ominous all on its own.

If I said no, what would Sebastian say?

I supposed he would convince me otherwise, that I was making some mistake. And of course, I was always so easily persuaded where he was involved.

Yet I was worried, if I did accept it, what I was getting myself into.

Was it even a party?

Was it going to be like the masquerade, or like the game in the catacomb?

Why is my presence even demanded? I am no one.

I sighed as I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms for the third time. I would have to press Sebastian with these questions, if he would even answer them. Or if I could get a hold of him.

Another week had passed between us, and I'd yet to see him or get a response out of the diary. I knew that with Erebus' arrival, Sebastian was most likely busy with Court affairs.

Yet there was still a part of me that ached for him to return.

A few moments later, it was finally time to move down the line. Just to remain bored, a few more inches to the right.

Poppy's death was the final piece that Black seemed to need to put the school on complete lockdown. There was no longer any leaving the castle without explicit permission, and a boundary line had been placed only a little further than the front gate.

Getting around lockdowns was not an issue for me.

What was more problematic was that this had opened the door for questioning.

Which is why I'd now found myself lined up outside the Headmaster's tower, along with an array of other students. Every one of them, including myself, was on edge with this new development.

However, the Headmaster and the students under the Court's control couldn't have been better. They seemed to be relaxed, almost jovial, since the lockdown had begun. Like they knew something was getting ready to begin, and that didn't bode well for anyone else.

To stack the odds even higher, their numbers were growing.

If they were unable to leave the castle, at least to my knowledge, it only meant one thing. They had finally gotten the Verdure into the castle - and I needed to sniff every cup I drank from.

The idea of taking that potion made me uneasy. After how I'd seen it interact with other students, like Garreth, Ominis... Poppy.

What would it do to me? With all of the darkness in the pits of my soul?

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